Increase Your Confidence Confidence is really about the stories - TopicsExpress


Increase Your Confidence Confidence is really about the stories we tell ourselves in our heads. It is revealed in our body language, our word choices and the image we project. In general, we find confidence an attractive trait in others, which means that if we boost our confidence, the image we convey is perceived as stronger, more dependable and more charismatic. How can you boost your confidence? Here are some tips for you. 1. Body - The next time you are sad about something, try to smile convincingly. You will find it is very difficult and that is because there is a connection between our body and mind. If you want to project confidence, then change what your body’s doing. Stand or sit up straight, put your shoulders back, put your chest out, and you are getting both your body and mind into a more confident state. When you know you have a difficult call or conversation, get yourself physically prepared. 2. Pump Up – We all talk to ourselves, even if it is an internal monologue. Change those words that are negative. Choose a powerful mantra for yourself, and repeat it until you believe it (so you can make it true). Focusing on the process of showing the world that you are successful and valuable lets you create a narrative-a story that you can continue to work on. 3. Exercise & Sleep – Study after study have proven that exercise boosts creativity, focus, stamina and productivity – all of which makes you better. Knowing that you are taking care of yourself and your body will help you stand up. Like exercise, sleep is mission critical. Sufficient sleep is an essential component of health. If we get the sleep needed, we are sharper, more efficient and much more confident. Sleep gives us the energy and the willpower we need to achieve our goals. 4. Humble – Humble is the opposite of confident. Humility is the recognition that we are human. Confidence is what brings us through our failures, mistakes and difficulties to emerge as successful people. Humility is what helps prevent our ego from getting in the way of success. 5. Exercise Your Confidence – Confidence is like a muscle. If you build it and push it, it will fail from time to time, but it will also heal and grow stronger than it was before. Pushing yourself to let your confidence carry you past your comfort zone can be the key to achieving great things with even greater things in the future. Confidence comes with achievement, for sure, but it can also come from the certainty that you are on the path to success – even if you have not yet achieved success. Confidence does not mean that you never have doubts, but it does mean that you believe in yourself and your vision, enough to keep you moving forward. If you believe, then you are more likely to succeed....
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:30:58 +0000

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