Insh*llah, those within our shores who call for khilafa or sharia - TopicsExpress


Insh*llah, those within our shores who call for khilafa or sharia may enjoy the collective demise that Saint Vlad Tepes devised in retaliation against the satanic enemy, long ago, based on the very methods the Ottomans employed themselves. Fight fire with fire. 1. He was born in 1431 as Vladislav the 3rd and he was of royal bloodline. People nicknamed him Tepes, Draculea, or Dracula. 2. Spent his childhood with the muslim Turks, where he learned about warfare and leadership. The Turks intended to put him as a puppet ruler of Wallachia, when he was of proper age. (Wallachia was the southern part of todays Roumania) 3. He first ruled Wallachia for 2 months in 1448, when he was 17. 4. His second rule of Wallachia, in the 1456-1462 time period was the most important. 5. Contrary to what most people think, he was a very kind man. However, liars, thieves, killers and enemies of the Christian faith and of the Wallachian state, both domestic and foreign were harshly punished. 6. He chose the impalement method of execution for his enemies NOT because he enjoyed suffering of others, rather he was forced by circumstances. (Maybe they advocated sharia, or khilafa, like Choudrys goons!) 7. Prince Vlad, under the rule of Wallachia had no army, and the battles were performed with about 25,000 peasants. The Ottoman Empire had a military force of 120,000+ soldiers. 8. Prince Vlad was an expert of psychological warfare, and striking fear into the hearts of the Ottoman Turks as well as adopting harassment guerrila tactics were enough to make Wallachia independent. In the Ottoman culture, being impaled through the anus was the worst way to die. 9. In 1462, an Ottoman army of 120000 soldiers turned back in fear after they encountered a forest of impaled rotting corpses made up of Turkish soldiers and Roumanian traitors. Some of the impaled victims were still alive and, according to historians, a mix of blood and faeces were dripping down the sticks in which they were impaled, while crows were eating at their flesh. This is the nightmarish historical fact that made some people turn Vlad into a demonic entity. 10. In most battles against the Turks he was between 25 and 31 years old. 11. He was betrayed and imprisoned for 12 years by the Hungarians in 1462. 12. He ruled Wallachia again, in 1476, but he was assasinated on the battlefield. He died at 45. 13. After he died, he stayed dead, and never returned. He was never a vampire, and he never drank blood, nor ate human flesh. 14. Vladislav the 3rd (Dracula) still lives in the memory of many Roumanians. 15. He is a Christian Saint in the Christian Orthodox Church, because he refused to be the slave of the pagan islamic tyrants, and he died defending the Roumanian people and their faith in Christ. 16. In the end, Prince Vlad and Wallachia lost, and the Ottomans won, because, after he died, a puppet ruler was put in place. 17. He was not an adventurer, as many people claim. Prince Vlad made the choice that every Christian martyr made throughout the centuries. He picked up his cross and laid his life down defending the Christian faith. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. Jesus Christ - Luke 9:24 Modern rock music eulogy, suitable for any mosque in Europe:
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 17:07:01 +0000

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