Interview with Tribes elder- LIBYA UNDER FRANCE PRESSURE Niger - TopicsExpress


Interview with Tribes elder- LIBYA UNDER FRANCE PRESSURE Niger extradite Saadi Gaddafi, the Libyan authorities under pressure from French *Dialogue with the President of the World Rally for Libya united, democratic and representative assembly of the Council of Libyan tribes Fatima Abu flames. QUESTION: Professor Fatima days ago was Niger has taken the decision after several years extradite Saadi Gaddafi, son of the late Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to the Libyan authorities and deposited Saadi Gaddafi as we arrived, according to reports in the prison of the plateau in Tripoli, where there are many symbols of the Gaddafi regime previously subjected to trial, There is some news that received that Saadi Gaddafi is being subjected to abuse and torture and ill-treated, and there are those who say that this is not true, and Human Rights Watch called on Tripoli to allow the forearm Gaddafi and other officials in the former regime and accused of various charges appoint lawyers for them, how do you comment on that? A: Yes, I consider that this crime is a crime against the Libyan citizen like other dozens of Libyan citizens who have concluded about them deals, and I being a human rights and legal concerned with the defense of gross violations of human rights occurring on Libya for more than two years, what gets crimes and violations and crimes of torture The other qualifiers were killed and physically inside prisons, that all I care about Libyan citizen and take this crime is an international crime involving another state had already been granted asylum and refuge in the safety of the citizen to the territory. Q: Is there of what floats on the surface of that Niger had made a deal to hand over Saadi Gaddafi or whether it had been imposed by the international laws and norms and human rights for his extradition to his homeland? A: There is much to consume newspapers and various media and other information, that the Niger came under direct pressure from the French government, as well as there is an event for the amount of four billion and six hundred million dollars, and in dire need of Libyans to that amount today, and the dire need for Libya to the security apparatus and the Army. Q: What Tstvadeh France delivery of Saadi Gaddafi, and whether his trial will be in Libya or that there is talk of an international trial claim because there is no doubt the Libyan courts, and of course, comes in the newspapers? A: Let me comment on the term trial, when they began our conversation I told you that a lot of the symbols of the former regime who are exposed to the trial, but where is the trial in the absence of the state, and anyone who delivers the worlds Libyan citizen and the first state of Niger have not received the Libyan citizen? I do not care about the name or character, and Im not against the trial of any person and I am a human being legal in my career and my activity and my view that any citizen can be subjected to trial, accused is innocent until proven guilty, but where is the state, where is the justice, where is the law? Snatched the head of the state government has been publicly beaten and humiliated, and picked up social media videos and disgraceful scenes right of every Libyan, it is an insult to all Libyan regardless of disagreeing with him, Where is the state? I am sure that there are other countries and there are other deals concluded by our reading of the events, where is the state and where is the law? QUESTION: Can you deliver a fate like Saadi Gaddafi spent fate in Libyan prisons in mysterious circumstances, and to what extent it reaches verdict in the case was tried in public? A: picked up the pages of social networking videos and images outrageous and very offensive to anyone, though Saadi Gaddafi or other, Valvedyohat show attacking him and cursing and trying to beat him and the tip of the iceberg, and Saadi Gaddafi, like any other detainee in the detention camps of armed militias under the control of the force of arms and in the absence full state. I add my voice to Human Rights Watch, but I ask all international organizations and from all over the world to intervene impotent on all detainees, Mr. Saadi Gaddafi and his predecessor of detainees, and I do not care whose son, but I care that a Libyan citizen subjected to violations have also been other, and everyone knows that Help for Gaddafi may have been privacy and find more than a Agah other detainees. Yesterday, Major General Hadi died near Mberej Gods mercy in prisons and declare that he died because of health conditions, and dumped the bodies of hundreds of detainees a day and do not even honor burial, in addition to that seen in prisoners in Libyan prisons of murder, torture and mass playoffs. QUESTION: Professor Fatima you grouping global for Libya and as activists jurists, you are lawyers, what you going to do for these prisoners, including Saadi Gaddafi, if at the local level or at the regional level and at the international level and whether you trust these international organizations that call themselves organizations defending the rights of Rights? A: Ibdavhzh organizations do not deserve all that confidence provided by the offer, and where all of these international organizations that rumination on Libya in 2011, and we saw successive reports and heard her voice snapping up the sky, where it is today of what is happening? We ask Menbrkm through all of the world to intervene urgently on all detainees, and demand an end to these actions in the name of Interpol or International Police, police are usually delivered to the existing judicial system, and all the world is witnessing it does not eliminate nor legally in Libya. Libya is currently experiencing armed conflict very serious had never passed any State contemporary, Fsharq Libya is witnessing bombings and qualifying for families, in the near past was assassinated associate us with her husband and some of her family members blew up their vehicle in full every day testifies eastern Libya tragedies, murder and bombings, and also South even today witnessing fighting and killing and kidnapping and so on. I am calling to immediately intervene in the affair all the detainees and work very seriously by all the international parties which concerned the security and stability of Libya work on a map of the Charter of the national shared by all Libyan parties and punish all the criminals and the activation of the judiciary in Libya and then talk about the delivery to Libya.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:39:16 +0000

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