Iran English language newspaper headlines on Sunday, 09-06-2013 - TopicsExpress


Iran English language newspaper headlines on Sunday, 09-06-2013 Tehran Times Any voice encouraging Islamic world to unite is divine: Leader Iranian and foreign reciters and memorizers of the Holy Quran met Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in Tehran on Saturday. Any plan for Syria without Iran will fail: ambassador The Iranian ambassador to Damascus says Iran is the most important player in the region, and the West has no alternative other than taking Iran’s views into consideration at the Geneva 2 conference, because otherwise their plans for Syria will end in failure. Obama: U.S., China in ‘uncharted waters’ on cyber security The United States and China are in “uncharted waters” as they tackle the contentious issue of cybersecurity, President Barack Obama said following the opening round of talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping at a summit in the California desert. ‘Aref and Rohani must decide if one will drop out of election’ Candidates Hassan Rohani and Mohammad Reza Aref must decide if one of them will drop out of the presidential election, the chairman of Rohani’s campaign office said on Saturday. Rival Koreas set for first official talks in over two years South and North Korea on Saturday agreed to hold working-level talks at the truce village of Panmunjom to prepare for a Cabinet-level meeting between the two divided countries, officials here said. Retrial of Egypt’s Mubarak adjourned The second hearing in the new trial of Egypt’s former president Hosni Mubarak has been adjourned until June 10. Former drone operator says he suffers from PTSD A former Air Force drone operator spoke to NBC News about how he is haunted by the more than 1,600 deaths he contributed to. Iran dismisses Canadian MPs’ claims of human rights violations Iran has dismissed Canadian MPs’ claims that human rights are being violated in the Islamic Republic, calling on Canada to address its own human rights record instead of leveling allegations against other states. Velayati: Foreign policy needs complete overhaul Presidential candidate Ali Akbar Velayati said on Saturday that the country’s foreign policy needed a complete overhaul. Rezaei says all Iranian ethnic groups should be viewed equally Mohsen Rezaei, an independent presidential candidate, has said that no discrimination should be practiced against different Iranian ethnic groups. Iran outmaneuvers U.S. in the Syrian war: academic Iran’s gains in Syria have embarrassed U.S. allies that support the Syrian uprising and strengthened relations between Iran and Russia may prove to be the most important strategic consequence of the conflict, according an article published by Bloomberg on Wednesday. Refusal to acknowledge Iran’s right to enrichment remains stumbling block to resolution of nuclear dispute: article World powers’ refusal to acknowledge Iran’s right to peaceful enrichment remains the most fundamental stumbling block to any resolution of the dispute over the country’s nuclear activities, according to an article published on the website of the Guardian on Thursday. Qalibaf: Progress is a must, not a choice Presidential candidate Mohammad Qalibaf said on Saturday that the move toward progress is not a choice, rather it is a necessity. Iran Daily Leader: Western Countries Mobilized Against Islam Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said western countries have mobilized all their powers against Islam. President Inaugurates Tehran-Tabriz Railway Tunnel Iran inaugurated the northern tunnel of Tehran-Tabriz underground railway on Saturday. FM: No Change in Nuclear Policy After Election There will be no change in Iran’s nuclear policy after the upcoming presidential election, Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi said Saturday. Second Group of MKO Terrorists in Albania Thirty members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) were resettled in Albania, bringing the total number of its members in the Southeast European country to 44. 5 Dead in California Shooting Rampage The gunman, dressed all in black and carrying a semi-automatic rifle, walked calmly through the Santa Monica College campus after killing his father, brother and another person, authorities said. He would kill a woman outside the library moments later, before dying from police gunfire. Call for War On Food Waste A quarter of all food calories grown for human consumption is being lost or wasted, either purposefully or otherwise, according to new estimates. Europeans Furious Over US Surveillance Revelations Europeans reacted angrily on Friday to revelations that US authorities had tapped the servers of internet companies for personal data, saying they confirmed their worst fears about American Web giants and showed tighter regulations were needed. Ronaldo Not in Madrid Contract Talks Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo has denied reports that he has had talks to renew his contract with the La Liga club. Pakistan Summons US Envoy Over Drone Attack A US drone strike killed nine people in northwest Pakistan, security officials said, prompting newly sworn-in Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to summon America’s envoy on Saturday to protest against such attacks. Domestic, Foreign Policy Dominate Presidential Debate Presidential candidates held their third and final live debate on television, discussing their domestic and foreign policies ahead of the upcoming presidential poll. Sharif SAT Construction Complete Iranian experts have completed the construction of the indigenous Sharif Satellite which is scheduled to be launched into space in three months, says the head of the university where the satellite has been made. FM Slams Canadian MPs’ Anti-Iran Remarks Foreign Ministry spokesman Seyyed Abbas Araqchi condemned a number of Canadian lawmakers for ‘criticizing human rights conditions in Iran’ in a recent meeting in Ottawa, describing the event as ‘ridiculous’. 2nd Group of Iranian Tourists in Egypt The second group of Iranian tourists entered Egypt following an agreement between the two countries to resume tourism activities.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 10:35:54 +0000

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