Islam: A Pack of White Lies ( part I ) by Mohammed - TopicsExpress


Islam: A Pack of White Lies ( part I ) by Mohammed Asghar Most humans consider lying to be a despicable act. To prevent them from lying, some nations have enacted laws with a view to punishing the liars. In the United States , liars are punished by imprisonment. Yet, many Americans do not hesitate to lie, if it is likely to bring them power, monetary gains and the accolades and respect of their families and societies. Throughout human history liars were able not only to bring wealth, fame and power to themselves, they also succeeded in enslaving a large number of mankind by combining lies with their power of manipulation. In support of my statement, I cite a few examples of lies, which had been impacting our lives from the time humans began treating those lies, not as lies, but as truths Approximately seven hundred years after Christ’s crucifixion, an illiterate but highly intelligent man by the name of Muhammad, rose from the desert of Arabia to shackle a large number of human beings to a creed he called Islam. Since he lacked the credentials of Moses, who claimed to have talked to Allah, and of Jesus Christ, who claimed he was sired by Allah Himself, Muhammad needed something “unimaginable” to happen to him so that he could set himself above all the so-called prophets of the yore. THE STORY ABOUT MIRAJ = Muhammads journey to the seventh sky to have a private meeting with Allha who by the way only exists in the secenth heaven and no where else : An amorous affair afforded him the opportunity to excel the credentials of the previous prophets: After missing the company of his wife for sometime, Muhammad was sleeping one night in the house of his cousin, who was a widow and who lived by herself. When in the morning his Companions wanted to know from him where he had been all night, he came up with the story of the night journey, which could not have been witnessed by any human being, in order to hide his whereabouts from his inquisitors. None of Muhammad’s acolytes (known as “Companions” to his followers) believed him. To convince them, he made Allah to give him the following revelation: 17:1: “Glory to (Allah) who did take His Servant for a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless, – in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things)” His Companions, excepting Abu Bakr, remained unconvinced by the revelation, as it talked only about Muhammad’s so-called journey by night from the Mosque of Mecca to the Farthest Mosque, which, according to the verse, must have existed at an unnamed location in 620 A.D. Abu Bakr came to his rescue and declared that he believed in what he had told them about his journey, thus earning for himself the title of “Siddique” i.e. “the speaker of the truth” from his friend, the Prophet of Islam. Apart from trying to know something about the purported location and the existence of the Quran’s Farthest Mosque, let us examine briefly the quality of language Allah has used in His above revelation. To be continued in our next post
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 04:10:17 +0000

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