It has been u tough 5-6 months but thankfully today we got the - TopicsExpress


It has been u tough 5-6 months but thankfully today we got the good news that we have been wishing and praying for. Garys scans came back clear and the cancer is gone.. The relief .. You cannot imaging... you have no idea.. Unless you have been in that situation. We could not have gotten through the past few months without our neighbors our friends or our families. We are so lucky to have the amazingly kind and considerate neighbors, who helped with the kids when Ii went to visit in the hospital, who took the kids swimming during the summer or just off for the day when Gary was so sick and I was working Mary Loftus and all your family thank you. We have also been blessed with the most giving and selfless neighbors who visited Gary in the hospital, who hugged us both, who minded all my family and drove me to Dublin when I was either to tired or to emotional to sit behind the wheel Rosemary Walsh and you wonderful husband Michael i don’t know how we can ever repay you thank you. We have to many friends to mention them all, but when your in trouble and you get phone calls, texts, hospital visits, offers to take the kids the little things mean so much. Thank you to you all. Some friends visited that I hadn’t seen for ages other friends called more that usual, and others took the kids at grannies, we couldn’t to have managed without your help. Thank you. Other friends fed us, listed to us when we were scared and distracted me when i could see nothing but cancer. These friends took my entire family into your home for a weekend when things were at the hardest Sally Stumpf and Tom Stumpf we are very lucky to have you in our lives. Thank you. Our families have kept us together through everything granny Maureen Lawlor and granny Mary, it’s your job to help and support your children but you both exceeded all we could have hoped for thank you Jamie Lawlor and Sarajane Lawlor you kept the kids at weekends and gave Gary and I some breathing space. Thank you. But truly there is one person that i need to thank from the bottom of both our hearts. This person was there from the start. She kept a calm cool head and talked us down when we needed it and picked us when we were on the floor. She listen to me cry when I felt everything around me was falling to pieces, she came in and stuck us back together. She did my laundry she tieded my house she answered my questions honestly, she was such good support for Gary, and he actually listen to her when she gave out to him about his medication. Eimear Mccormack you are the best sister in the world everyone who knows you, is lucky to have you we love you . Thank you thank you thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:49:42 +0000

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