It has taken me 13 hours from the time when I first heard of what - TopicsExpress


It has taken me 13 hours from the time when I first heard of what happened in Jerusalem to pinpoint to the finest degree what it was that I wanted to say. For those somehow yet unaware, 4 Israelis were slaughtered earlier today in a gore, incomprehensible, sociopathic terror attack in a Synagogue in Jerusalem. In the midst of their morning prayers, 2 Arab terrorists, wielding guns, knives and axes, entered the Synagogue, attacking the praying worshipers while crying out loud, Allahu Akbar. The Synagogue floor was covered with pools of blood, bloodstained prayer shawls and drenched holy books. In this post, I am sharing a few of todays gruesome photos. They arent the primary point of my post, but it is vital that they are seen and shared, uncensored. The world mustnt turn a blind eye to the horrors happening in the Middle East. Some of the worldwide reaction to the attack has been unsurprisingly mortifying. Palestinian terror group Hamas praised the attack. It also called for days of rage, vowed to award special honors to the families of the terrorists, and insisted Jerusalem must be purified of Jews. Palestinians were dancing in celebration in the streets of Gaza. CNN, when reporting the event, referred to the site of the attack as a Mosque, as opposed to a Synagogue. CNNs top headline read, 4 Israelis, 2 Palestinians Killed In Synagogue Attack. Since when is it logical, humane, and acceptable to mention terrorist and innocent casualties in the same breath? When Israeli Finance Minister Naftali Bennett was interviewed by BBC and showed a photo of one of the victims of todays terror attack, he was asked to take it down immediately. To which I say selective censorship is nothing but criminal hypocrisy. Meanwhile, there have been, for weeks now, Hamas-released songs promoting terror attacks on Israelis - from running innocent civilians over, to murdering them by other means of attack. These are the names of the fallen Israelis of todays attack: Rabbi Moshe Twersky (60) Rabbi Kalmen Levin (55) Rabbi Avraham Goldberg (68) Rabbi Arye Kupinsky (43) May they rest in peace, and may their families one day know closure and peace; may they never know more sorrow. My love, prayers and support go out to them, though there is nothing that can be done to alleviate of their pain and loss. With all this in mind, allow me to share my thoughts. Todays events were horrific. Absolutely revoltingly gruesome and inhuman. But they were not unique. For one, terror attacks have been striking Jerusalem for numerous weeks now, consistently. While reports are to the contrary, it is rather vivid that the Third Intifada is upon us. Jerusalem is in the throes of the worst spate of Arab violence against Jewish residents in over a decade. And yet, this condition we are witnessing is still not unique, only this time its in Jerusalem, which elevates it to global headlines status. Israel is under attack constantly. Whether you hear about it in the media or not, there is never any quiet. There is never even a faint illusion of peace. Those living in settlements in Southern Israel face rocket fire and terror attacks on a daily basis. Imagine living in your own land, never once knowing when terror could strike you, your family, your friends, your relatives, your coworkers; your people, your country? Which leads me to my point. This world of ours is a beautiful world. A beautiful world that is catastrophically misguided. Terror is reigning supreme like never before. Jews and Israelis are brutalized in their own homeland, slaughtered mercilessly by rejoicing lunatics. When no official war is declared, as that of four months ago, worldwide media makes no significant mention - if any at all - of the terror Israelis and Jews are victims to on a daily basis. A Christian holocaust is also taking place, in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. But whether it be Hamas, ISIS, Al Qaeda or Hezbollah, everyones objective is the ruling of Jerusalem, Israels sacred capital, that many are deluded enough to believe they are entitled to. In the case of ISIS, Jerusalem is the ultimate stepping-stone on the path to ruling over the worlds 1.6 Muslims, and either slaughtering or converting the rest of humankind: Christians, Jews, Hindus, Agnostics, etc. The fault for the condition of our frail planet lies in the hands of its leaders. Unfortunately, those currently running the show are shells of broken men, plagued by incompetence and corruption. Obama, virtually all but the certified creator of ISIS, and the leader of the most corrupt administration in US history, is sitting idly by as this world of ours is brought down to its knees at the hands of lunatics. UK PM David Cameron is laying low, limp and unproductive. Stefan Löfven, PM of Sweden, has been unforgivably vocal in his support of the Palestinians and their entitlement to Israels land. Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile, cut diplomatic ties with Israel months ago, and Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, declared Israel a terrorist state. Canada, conversely Israels greatest supporter and ally under the leadership of unyielding mensch Stephen Harper, is also facing an uncertain future, as Islamic supporter Justin Trudeau is vowing for its leadership - all while linked to terrorist organization Hamas. And these are only to name a few. Israeli PM Benjamin Natanyahu, meanwhile, given, has the toughest job in the world, constantly at the forefront of the fight against terror on behalf of the rest of this flaccid world of ours. But he isnt assertive enough, and isnt effectively commanding. Because for Israel, the absolute termination of its mortal enemies is the only means of long-term survival. So what can you do? Have a voice. If you are an avid fan of this planet we live on, a life free of terror and the right to exist peacefully, your ambassadorship is vital in this fight. When you see horrific news such as todays online, dont merely skip past. Share, and share again. Help awareness be spread. Because, reality check: terror is killing far more people than Ebola, but it is getting far less coverage. Be certain to check multiple media sources so to eliminate criminal biases such as CNNs, and BBCs. Most importantly, do not let mistakes like Obama happen again. Have you, in recent history, seen the world as frail as it has been over the past 6 years, progressively worsening? Do not allow terrorist backers like Justin Trudeau come into power, because there is no going back. Do not ever assume all this terror has nothing to do with you. Because much like any plague, at first it affects the closest few, and then it spreads. Islam has already taken over significant portions of Europe. The UK and France are virtually Muslim countries. Belgium is referred to as Belgistan, and people arriving in Brussels are greeted by ISIS flags. People in the UK and US are getting decapitated. You can pretend this has nothing to do with you, but this fight is coming to you, and its coming for you. This is no longer about me or about them. This is about us. Value human life. Cherish it. Dont turn a blind eye. Fight for a better tomorrow - a tomorrow of peace and safety and security - or there wont be one.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 20:05:13 +0000

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