It is great to spend time with my sister Paula. She came up to see - TopicsExpress


It is great to spend time with my sister Paula. She came up to see us from Tennessee . It is great to remember things from our childhood together. We are close in age, so all of her friends were my friends and vice versa. I think as we grow older we realize the impact that people have had on our lives. The people who have been there for us through thick and thin. The people who have sensed when we things werent right with us and knew how to get us to open up and make things right again. People who have seen us at our best and cheered us on and people who have been there at our worst and cried with us, people who have laughed with us and sometimes at us. Its great to have people in your life who are there no matter what and will drop everything at a moments notice to walk with you through difficult times in your life and will celebrate with you in the happiest times. If you have a spouse, sibling or friend who is there for you be sure and thank The Lord. They are a true gift from the Lord. We all need someone to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our lives. I am choosing today to thank The Lord for the people who allow us to be ourselves without any expectations and truly love us, sometimes in spite of ourselves! My challenge today is to thank someone who has done these things for you. Life is very short and sometimes we can go our whole lives without acknowledging the people that God has used in our lives to remind us that He does some of his best work through ordinary people. Thank you to my Husband, family and friends who got has brought into my life.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:17:06 +0000

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