It would be nice to use the words Terrific or Fantasitic more - TopicsExpress


It would be nice to use the words Terrific or Fantasitic more often, granted Ive always preferred fantastic-There are fancier words, tomorrows goal, well one of the list of 20, is to actually find reasons to use it. adjective adjective: fantastic 1. imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality. novels are capable of mixing fantastic and realistic elements synonyms: fanciful, extravagant, extraordinary, irrational, wild, absurd, far-fetched, nonsensical, incredible, unbelievable, unthinkable, implausible, improbable, unlikely, doubtful, dubious; More strange, peculiar, odd, queer, weird, eccentric, whimsical, capricious, fantastical, Seussian; visionary, romantic; informalcrazy, cockeyed, off the wall a fantastic notion •strange, weird, bizarre, outlandish, queer, peculiar, grotesque, freakish, surreal, exotic; elaborate, ornate, intricate fantastic shapes antonyms: rational, ordinary •of extraordinary size or degree. the prices were fantastic, far higher than elsewhere •(of a shape or design) bizarre or exotic; seeming more appropriate to a fairy tale than to reality or practical use. visions of a fantastic, mazelike building 2.informal extraordinarily good or attractive. your support has been fantastic synonyms: marvelous, wonderful, sensational, outstanding, superb, super, excellent, first-rate, first-class, dazzling, out of this world, breathtaking;
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 02:30:49 +0000

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