Its OK to boycott as its humans right. But to balance the - TopicsExpress


Its OK to boycott as its humans right. But to balance the perception, do discreetly if you cant cover many (as in heboh nak boycott semua tapi diri sendiri pun sama je tak boycott - selective is not cool). Not cool to question people on why not boycotting. Not cool to eat nasi lemak or whatever at McD. This is legal business and its governed by law. Its your right to boycott and its their right to execute their business. Not cool to not to learn and ustand the definition and process of boycotting. Not cool to assume that people are Ass if they dont. Not cool to question when people drink the canned drinks. The brilliant life mkt people shall inform and act, thus positioning the life branding to people, herein refers to leadership by example. But no. Too hard. Just like religions marketing these days. No potrayal of the good side or why we shud do something. Rather, if you dont do it, heres the list of things that you will kena. So much pressure. Hence the spawn of many hypocrites on the net. Cakap lebih, habuk tarak. Diam kan senang .. Or ... Kalau da tau kurang bijak, diam aje. I am totally againts the styles of perli, hina, condemn org dgn harapan nak berdakwah. Example dari beli seluar jeans baru mahal baik sedekah org miskin ... Apa nak jd bangsaku. Damn idiot. How mahal is mahal ? Do u know if that person sedekah more than u ? Why tuduh tarak bukti ? Syumul ka ? Ada berani sign epf, insurans, wasiat mati suma 50% cmtu aje and the rest kasi org memerlukan, walau harta anda tinggal rm10 ? Usah torak lah .... Be fair, not only to gaza, to all as well, in other countries for all human of any skin (ada yang buat ? Hahahaha .... And we say we are about humanity per se). Similarly to marketing, most people do sales, not marketing. Bukti ? Try baca posting depa. Semua jenis nak perlekehkan anda sebab tak buat itu ini (so, kan aku dah kata). Rather than explaining a good analysis between your product againts others. In other words, these people are trying to tell u that youre an idiot. And then throw tantrums, perli sana sini bila tak achieve targets. Try study tinggi sikit lah. Tarak duit, pinjam. Aku study sampai Masters pun pinjam duit. Aku tak kaya. There is an opportunity for our education system (note, i didnt use the word - flaw). Cant stand negative people. Bad feng shui (as chinese calls it). Bad vibes (as i call it). Now everything is super duper sensitive. Just a normal general statement on my stand - denying hypocrisy and the need to have a good governance. Lets boycott stupidities. It begins from Ourselves, in fact almost everything in life preservation starts from us. Asyik tanya Y, Y, Y, so bila mau sampai Z ?
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 05:02:06 +0000

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