Its funny how people in a good way, react to the new you. People - TopicsExpress


Its funny how people in a good way, react to the new you. People who have known you for ages and either lost contact with you thru the years or are still in your life, see your transformation and are amazed! Even you, when you look at yourself now and say wow was that me at one time?. You fill up with pride, become more determined to push forward and stay on track. Every new lifestyle change is hard to do, so having constant motivation is awesome! Part of my daily morning ritual, I look at an old pic I have on my mirror. Its me over 7 years ago. I was weighing close to 180lbs! Its a consent reminder of how far I have come and where I want to be. The journey hasnt been easy I have had my ups and downs but in the last 7 years I have not seen 180lb again! Even during my pregnancy, the most I weighed was 152lbs. My second motivation today came for a comment an old elementary school friend made about me. He has known me over 15 years and knows the old me used to hate running and sweating. He is surprised at my accomplishment today, running 6.7miles in 90min with PhillyGetsFit Running101 fitness class. Maybe one day soon he attend the class and see what has changed me. When the class became available, I asked myself Do you want to do it? Wanna see how far you can go?Is the WarriorQueen in? I answered yes to all those questions. I dont know how to run, never saw myself as runner type. But I want to learn and give it a try. Maybe one day I will do a marathon. Or maybe I will be an inspiration to one of my kids, and they will run. Today my inspiration was Amy, she was born with club foot. Even thou it got fixed at a young age, her calf is underdeveloped because of it. But do you think that stopped her? Thru her sweat and tears she did it. We helped each other. Her drive pushed me, our chanting I am a Campanella, I can do this helped her see and feel our finish line our destination. Coming back was a breeze, because we knew we accomplished something phenomenal for us. What doesnt break us, makes us stronger! We pushed and we did it! Like I said any lifestyle change is hard to do, but surrounding yourself with people that motivate and support your makes it that much easier. #ThoughtsOfTheWarriorQueen #NewLifeStyleChange #HealthyAndFitAllTheWay #Herbalife #80%Nutrition20%Fitness
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 20:21:49 +0000

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