“It’s alright, honey, I still accept you even though you’re - TopicsExpress


“It’s alright, honey, I still accept you even though you’re not as thin as some other 12-year-old girls. Maybe you just need to work out more and try that new raw food diet and download some motivational podcasts so you can learn some self control and fit into those size 4 jeans by NEXT summer.” But of course I didn’t say that. I didn’t say anything even remotely like that. I FREAK OUT on falsehood when it threatens my girls. I told her that I thought it was ridiculous to teach teenage girls to measure their bodies through pinch tests at the onslaught of adolescence. That determining body mass index is clearly no way for young girls to feel feminine for the first time. I told her that this is only the beginning of what will be a lifetime of decoding truth from bullshit when it comes to her body, her mind and her worth and that fortunately she was plenty strong and smart enough to handle it. And then, just as every other time they’ve been beat down by the soul-sucking lies of life, I looked her straight in the eye, teared up ‘cause I couldn’t help it, and begged her to believe me, “You are unbelievably, utterly and immeasurably beautiful. You are exactly perfect just as you are.”
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 02:57:57 +0000

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