Ive decided that when I die, I want my life story to be written - TopicsExpress


Ive decided that when I die, I want my life story to be written and directed by Joss Whedon, the part of me played by Adam Baldwin (my nickname will be Danny Messer or Beetlevis), my wife will be played by my wife because she is hotter than all actresses, the part of my dachshund Monte will be played by a three-legged and one-eyed velociraptor with a nasty disposition and speaks perfect Station Island accented English in a deep raspy voice, my boys will be played by Bruce Campbell and Michael Whetherly, there will be zombies, there will be lots and lots of bacon. I havent put much thought into the plot, but Im hoping Mr. Whedon can do as awesome a job as he did with the Avengers movie. Oh, there needs to be Hulk fighting Wolverine on a submarine in there somewhere with Darth Vader in a too too waiting tables in the Seattle space needle. No computers will be repaired in this movie, and it will be okay to play first person shooter games and not be a violent person. It will also be okay to ride in an ambulance in day-old underwear. They call it an emergency vehicles for a reason. No one will care. In case you are wondering, my infant son put me in my place last night and showed me who was really in charge. My brain has been jello since. This is a fun, fun ride though!!! No regrets whatsoever. This is not a complaint, just posting for fun. (Edited because, of all words possible, I misspelled no one.)
Posted on: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 18:53:57 +0000

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