Ive just had some exciting news (well, its exciting for - TopicsExpress


Ive just had some exciting news (well, its exciting for me!). Ive just spoken to my college and those of you who have been following know that I am in clinic this semester as a naturopathic pup (doing consultations on REAL humans and stuff!) but the good news is I have to do 6 from home as well. Sooooo, this means that I can have people come to my home and carry out a naturopathic consultation with them and then run it by the clinic supervisor before making any recommendations (Id hate to have you overdose on magnesium or something serious like that.....). Ive already had a few people approach me offline so this is some kind of karmic positive loop or something because if you are interested, please let me know either on this post or PM me and I will happily carry out a consultation with you in my home. The even better news is I have my iridology camera here with me too, so I can take photos of your eyeballs and tell you the deepest darkest secrets of your soul (or at least the colour of your iris!). So if you are interested you have two options, first in best dressed for a free home consultation (in Ellenbrook WA) or come to our clinic in Malaga for $35 consultations where the supervisor is on site. Summer clinic is on now if you wanted to book or full term clinic (when I will be consulting) is open in March. There is also a homoeopathic clinic which does solely homoeopathic consultations on Tuesday nights too. I know I act like a bit of a dill on this page, it is just my sense of humour. Rest assured if you come for a consultation either in my home, my college or my official work clinic when I graduate, I will be the soul of discretion and honour. Maybe just a few silly jokes here and there........ :)
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 11:59:32 +0000

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