Ive never wanted to hug a stranger more than I did today...about a - TopicsExpress


Ive never wanted to hug a stranger more than I did today...about a month or so ago I shattered my screen and I should have just been thankful enough that it still worked but I was greedy and bought a new screen online and was going to tackle this myself. So yesterday being snowed in and all I thought what better day to do start my project. I watched a quick youtube video and was pretty confident In myself... Well obviously the youtube guy was a damn brain because I got my phone apart and was immediately overwhelmed with regret... Shit... So many fragile wires and itty bitty screws and on top of it Im not the most graceful creature! I read the directions and carefully proceeded to take apart my phone... A good 45 min later I start to put it back together but I realize what a serious mess I have. I, being the most unorganized person ever, have screws laying all over and I forgot which wire goes where and so I just guess and force the new screen on... I hit the power Button... Nothing! So I repeat the entire process about 4 times before I throw it in the envelope and and stomp off to my room to accept the fact I have to go a whole night and day phoneless and Im just beside myself ( sick huh?) so today I have a co worker work on it for an hour and he gets it put together and it turns on but I have a screen with grey lines running through it and nothing works so I have to fight with Siri to do anything. Siri call al Bahm Siri: Courtney, Im sorry I cant find a contact named Alabama .. Pissin me off... I take it to verizon they wont touch it..and finally I take it to a kiosk in the mall... The guy at cellairis who was clearly annoyed with the sketch job of screen repair that I did first comments on my grounding out the screw then he picks up a piece and gives me a really look and says Well thats not normal at this point Idc if he puts the shattered screen back on I just want a working phone! Finally finally! he gives me a shit grin and hands it back and then that beautiful bastard tells me no charge I think I love him. So I bought a phone case from him... Figured it was the least I could do... Ya know, For being kind of a crab ass he was the Nicest guy ever and I had a serious desire to take him out to a nice seafood dinner after his miracle job... Even though Im disgusted with how beside I was with myself over not having my phone I am glad to have it back 👍 what a day
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 03:24:41 +0000

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