Ive taken 15months off the TRUTH MOVEMENT I feel so strongly that - TopicsExpress


Ive taken 15months off the TRUTH MOVEMENT I feel so strongly that I spend the next 2 wks trying to get some of you to take a 2nd look ask the hard questions.. Know that there were papers written in 1993 & in 1998 by a group called the Pnac PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY a think tank of Neocon Zionist corporate interest ppl w/huge ties w/the Military Industrial Complex and The Worlds International Monetary Fund the 6 MEGA Banks that have funded wars on both sides for hundreds of years@least!.. Anyway these Neocon War Profiteering Washington Elite wrote up papers such as REBUILDING AMERICAS DEFENSES & CLEAN BREAK Written by Dick Cheney Paul Wolfowitz Richard Perle Donald Rumsfeld...etc If YOU think YOU have the courage to dig up FACTS thatll destroy almost everything youve ever been taught & LEARN media is ALL lies ALL an Agenda (You know who owns MAJOR Mainstream Media THE @international Monetary Fund!!!! The US,UK&UN Miltary Forces & Many are CIA,Mossad,FBI,ATF,ISI,KGB,Scotlandyard,MI5,MI6.. Agents....etc Use a formula thats been used since Emperor Nero Burned Rome & Blamed the Christians!! ( PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION )(google it please) Adolf Hitler used the same tactic he had the SS torch the Reichstag (German Parliament) and Blamed a retarded Jewish man like 19-25yrs oldish so media & propaganda HYPED that so basically ALL Jews were responsible so on & so fourth (side fact useless info that George Herbert Walker Bushs FATHER Prescott Bush PROVIDED The Nazis WAR MACHINE w/near 80% of its STEEL so no Bush Steel no WW2 in Europe) Check my FACTS PLZ!!! Anyway PROBLEM REACTION SOULTION Sept,11th 2001 NY,Ny/ London,England UK 7/7 Terror Attacks & Bali,Philippines 2002 Oct.12th 2002 huge bombs go off in n area frequented by Australians so this is how it starts TO GAIN THE SUPPORT OF THE PEOPLE the 3 major countries whos military super power would bring the pain like no other unlike last 6yrs Berry Sotero aka Barrack Hussein Obama just signs an executive order & today w/ISIS after 2 very taxing wars plus the BULLSHIT war on terror that has created HUGE Army of Muslims that have toppled Muslim Gov after Muslim Gov trained funded & armed by worldwide backers US being a huge supporter of the FSA Free Syrian Army which is now known as ISIS or Isil fighters from UK,Canada,Chechnya US to Japan Somalia,UAE aka Saudi Arabia, Syria,Egypt,Libya..etc cuz theyve been forced to fight or die now starting more or less MORE on 9/11 2001-10/12 2002 & 7/7 2005 Corporate Interest used their means to gain support to DESTABILIZE THE MIDDLE EAST!!!! Its very simple and makes more since than ANYTHING ANY of the Mainstream Media Fantasy Factory Funded by Globalists Banker Pigs have reported or written in History.. Please LEARN the TRUTH for all whove died in DEMOCIDE(MURDER BY GOVERNMENT) & FALSE FLAG ATTACKS False Flag Events & THEIR FAMILIES!!!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 01:20:44 +0000

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