JESUS VISITED HER (Part 25) CHAPTER 25 I WILL NOT TAKE YOU IF YOU HAVE UNREPENTANT SIN Let US begin. I am ready to give you more Words: Children, the hour is nearing for MY Soon Return. It comes right on schedule. Many think I am not coming ever. Many think I will not come for many years. MY children, I am coming very soon. MY Approach is near. Even at the door. It will catch many off guard. Many will be asleep when I come, spiritually asleep. 1 Thessalonians 5:6. Therefore let us not sleep; as do others; but let us watch and be sober. Soon, this time is coming. Only those who are watching and waiting will be ready. All those who are not paying attention will be left to face what is coming. The time is very close. Children, you need to be ready. Don’t be caught unawares. I do not want to leave anyone behind, but sadly many will be left. What a sad hour is coming. I want you to awaken. Come to terms with this reality. I am approaching and I am even at the door. Soon, no one will be surprised anymore as reality will set in as to what has happened. The world will know that change has come to it, great changes. It will not be the same place very soon. MY children, listen to ME closely, I will not take you if you have unrepentant sin. I cannot take you with ME. It cannot be, MY children. So come before ME and repent of your sin. Please make this a priority. Luke 13:5. I tell you, Nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Come make things right with ME. I desire to bring you into MY Kingdom. I want to rescue you from what is coming. I cannot take you, if you are not MINE. If you have not come before ME, and given your life to ME, you are not MINE. This is very important children. You need to give your life over to ME. Lay it down at MY Feet, holding nothing back. This is the time to come before ME in humble repentance. Bring your cares and worries to ME. I want your life. I will exchange your life with all its imperfections and troubles, for a life of love, joy, and completion. Soon, very soon, I am coming and you want to be ready. This hour is closing in. Let ME bring you to MY Completion and restore you to wholeness. MY Love can cover all of your sins. Come to ME, I am waiting with open Arms, Arms that long to hold you and to love you. Luke 5:31. And JESUS answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. Don’t delay. This is an important hour. I will not be late to remove MY bride. I am ready to take her home to the mansions I have prepared for her. This is where she will go for safekeeping. So MY children, make yourselves ready, as MY Coming is nearly nigh. I am speaking to you as a FATHER WHO Loves and Cares for you. I want to save you, to rescue you from a world soon to go mad. Let ME show you the door to safety. It is opening soon. But then it will close. So be ready, as I am ready to receive you. This is your LORD GOD from Heaven, YAHUSHUA.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 06:19:02 +0000

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