JOHN BOEHNER FAMOUSLY SAID IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO WORK WITH THE WHITE HOUSE BECAUSE NO ONE KNOWS WHO IS REALLY RUNNING THE WHITE HOUSE. IS THIS THE FACE OF THE REAL PRESIDENT? THIE FOLLOWING IS FROM A MARCH 19th POST, BUT THE SUBJECT MATTER REMAINS A MYSTERY TO THIS DAY: WHO IS REALLY RUNNING THE WHITE HOUSE? THIS ARTICLE BRINGS THE MARCH 19th POST FULL CIRCLE! Wow. I don’t even know where to begin with this one, so I think the less I say the better. Mainly, because when I read this I was throttled. I was completely speechless. I am still trying to process the INSANE amount of information provided in this piece, and the Center for Western Journalism is a reputable source, so I am even more dumfounded. FIRST, THE OBVIOUS: I knew March 13th something was “OFF” with John Brennan. That being said, I never dreamed it was all of what is contained within this article. Below is an excerpt from a post on the 13th dealing with the C.I.A. spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee: “Did you see that snarky look on his face when he said something to the effect of, “We would never do that, and even if we did, I would just go tell the President and he could then deal with me how he sees fit.” [WHO SAYS THINGS LIKE THAT?] I paraphrased that, but the whole time Brennan had this stupid smirk because he ALREADY knew he’ll be fine. Obama must be the one who TOLD him to do the spying. Brennan wasn’t even the slightest bit concerned about it. More laws broken, and any guesses what will be the outcome? Holder’s Department of Injustice won’t do a damn thing, and Barack will “promise to bring those responsible to justice.” Well, I was right about one thing. Brennan wasn’t the slightest bit concerned because he knew he was running the show… hence that very odd and snarky comment about “presenting himself before the President and Obama could deal with Brennan as he sees fit.” SECOND, THE OBVIOUS FOLLOW UP: There is certainly a definitive paper trail for Brennan’s role documented below, so how is this not PLASTERED all over EVERY news station and where is Trey Gowdy going BONKERS? Is Washington D.C. THAT corrupt? I don’t question Trey Gowdy, but he’s just a foot soldier. He’s a damn good one, but still just a foot soldier, with very little power on his own. READ ON!!!!!! MUCH MORE!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 14:52:40 +0000

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