JUBILIARS DEVILIC LIES COME HAUNTING THEM IN GOVERNMENT: Our nation is made of natural born lairs. The stories they gave how Raila made ICC to get Uhuru and Ruto was a big lie. Even the witnesses can still prove it today that they lied about Raila. ``Do not be vague, let go to Hague``. They even went ahead to say that the west want Raila to be the president of Kenya. During Kibaki they called Raila a communist who want bring to Kenya Chinese and Russians, that the west should not trust Raila. George W. Bush went ahead to congratulate Kibaki for winning the presidency in 2007/2008, only to withdraw back his congratulations when the EU observers said Kibaki never won any election in Kenya. Now ask yourself who has brought Chinese to Kenya now?. Today Raila is again the person killing people in kenya. Insecurity the country is facing is Raila´s fault. `` Ati he was in Boston planning to come back and overthrow the government of Uhuru Kenyatta. What will these people do when all the lies are all used and gone?. The same lairs are now celebrating that the West which they claimed wanted Raila to be president has brought Euro bonds to Uhuru . Some celebrate about eurobonds without even knowing what it means. Eurobond may also be misleading: Eurobonds do not necessarily mean bonds of european countries or euro dominated bonds. I will give you a short note of how many eruro bonds do exist: 1. Floating rate bond notes(FRN)- short to medium bond issues, with coupon interest rate that floats. 2. Conventional or straight eurobonds: have a fixed coupon and matuarity date when all the principal is repaid. 3. Zero-coupon bonds do not have interest payments. The investor in this type of bond may be looking at some kind of tax advantage. 4.Covertible bonds: can be exchanged for another instrument or thing, usually an ordinary share or shares. With investors focusing on kenya oil production by 2018 this may be the focus. Wazungus will always gain from blacks,(`` ngama ofuwo en chiemb ngama riek ``= my mother used to tell me that phrase when i was a kid). 5. High yield bonds: these are bonds which individual investor may encounter. They are rated to be below investment grade, by credit rating agencies. Eurobond issuers price eurobonds related to LIBOR, EUROBOR, or the US.Treasury Bond market yield curve to indicate the credit quality of the issuer. There are advantages to Eurobond investments but there are complexities and risks attached. If the issuer is a corporation, there may also be significant event risk as well since credit ratings can change over time as corporations change. So which of the above is promised to Uhuru?. Before we start celebrating with our opponents?. The first only positive thing I am seeing that eurobond may do is to prevent kenya shillings being printed like the nyayo time. But what are those Eurobonds focusing on?. Is it our Oil or our mines or our land?. Uhuru´s government is broke and soon he will be feeding his children on coupons. Wake up kenyans, especially the educated ones.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:51:25 +0000

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