JUST BE YOURSELF! - TopicsExpress


JUST BE YOURSELF! ---catullussixteen friends, parents, teachers, all seem to have only one thing to say to a child desperately seeking advice: just be yourself! it becomes the core theme of childrens shows on disney or nickelodeon the tired and true message you can always fall back on just be yourself! have i been someone else all this time? is the problem that i dont really know who i am? is that why i dont have more friends--am i simply not myself enough? is my real self someone who no one would make fun of everyday? just be yourself! there must be something wrong with the way i am, then. how do i get rid of this person? where did the real me go? is she lost somewhere between the loser who apparently smiles too much and the nerd who sucks up in lit class? or is she afraid to make her debut, because this other person she shares a body with has taken so much abuse from others? how can she be sure she wouldnt get the same treatment? who is she? just be yourself! im trying, i promise. but i dont know how! what if this person who none of you seem to like is the real me? would that be so bad? if the girl who likes harry potter too much and is nice to the point of naivety is the only one i know how to be is that okay? will you maybe get used to her, eventually? if i promise to let you still make fun of me, will you still let me hang out with you? you guys are my best friends. i dont know who id be without you. just be yourself! stop. please. dont act like you dont know what im talking about. will you please just listen, for once? i think--im still not sure--that i like who i am. that maybe its a good thing that im engaged in a class i enjoy that maybe my smiles can bring joy to others that doesnt involve mockery that maybe ive been being myself all this time and all youve done is made me hate her. youve made me want to be anyone other than myself what great friends you are! just be yourself! people talk about abusive relationships all the time but i think there must also be such a thing as an abusive friendship and this is it i was nothing but myself and you didnt like it so i tried to change for you, my best friend and all i could hear when i cried myself to sleep those nights was your laughter i would tell you now to just be yourself, but maybe you shouldnt. because your self has the ability to be both toxic and compelling. so this is my advice to you: be someone else be someone else so entirely that the result is a new self better than the old one, a self that heals instead of hurts just be yourself! being is just so static. i refuse to just be i will accept myself, because ive learned that i am not worthless i will challenge myself, because i know that i need it i will believe in myself, because i know i am capable of achievement but, mainly, i will love myself because no one can or will do it bettter than me.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 17:29:15 +0000

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