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Jane Iredale The skin care make up - make up blog - Healthy habit tips for the New Year With the New Year often comes new resolutions, we make vows to ourselves that in the New Year we will change or start fresh. Often by as early as the first week of January we find ourselves giving in to old habits. So how do we stick with our healthy habits for the New Year? I asked some of the ladies around the office to tell us what their resolutions are for 2014 and how they are sticking to them, and they have some great advice! new year resolution I don’t really have a resolution this year, but I’m working on listening to the needs of my body more and trying to slow down and not do ‘it all.’ This allows me to be more present in the moments I am experiencing. Being eight months pregnant helps me to adhere to these guidelines more easily, but I will try to continue this behavior well after the baby arrives. The only struggle is learning how to let go of the things I want to control or partake in, but don’t have the time to. It’s going to take some time, but being realistic about what I can fit into one day at a time is critical. ~Connie W Hydration Spray I am working on improving my patience, both at work and at home. I find that it helps me to take those precious 10 seconds before responding by spraying a few bursts of POMMISST onto my face to keep calm and carry on. ~Sarah S. I have to say, I’m happy with my diet and exercising habits, so no change there. However, I had such a wonderful holiday season with family and friends that I’ve decided to incorporate this into my new year! Every single day of 2014, I plan on giving thanks, helping others and celebrating! Here are ways I’ve already incorporated it into my 2014: toasted (cheers!) with friends for no real reason other than the fact that we were together; I thanked my husband who made a creative dinner when we desperately needed a trip to the grocery store and I helped a women figure out how to use an electric wheelchair (it was her first time shopping with a hurt leg). Here are other ideas I look forward to carrying out this year: celebrating half birthdays (why not?!); spending time with my mother-in-law and writing more thank you notes. So cheers to all 365 days of 2014! ~Katelyn C. Although not officially a resolution, my choice to drink more water on a daily basis did kick water-glassesin around the start of the new year. I went to my doctor in November with these symptoms: fatigue, headache, nausea and dizziness. Although she was not able to diagnose a specific cause – if you’re like me, you wish for a concrete diagnosis so you can simply have a solution, but it’s rarely that simple – I self-diagnosed as dehydration. Despite creating water challenges with my coworkers, like one glass of water every hour, I was never able to consume enough water for anyone to consider me hydrated. I tried everything: cold water, hot water, ice cubes, sparkling water, drinking from mugs, water bottles, etc, etc. At long last I found a method that works! Drum roll please…my very old, very scratched, but still very capable of its sole purpose (holding water to keep me hydrated),the nalgene bottle boasting my alma mater. Such a simple answer! I’ve determined the reason this works, above all other methods tried: it rallies my competitiveness. It tells me exactly how many ounces I’ve had, how many still to go and gosh, it is so amazingly satisfying when I can call my mother to tell her I’ve managed to drink 2.5 entire nalgene bottles, hoping this means she can no longer scold me into drinking more water! ~Jacqui B. A few of us here in the office are motivating each other to drink more. When one gets up it reminds us all to do so. I also keep a smaller glass on my desk so I refill it more often, rather than a large water bottle. This also makes me get up away from my desk for a few minutes! ~Courtney H. What healthy habits have you started in the New Year? Share your tips below!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 17:46:35 +0000

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