January 22, 2004, Volume Four Jesus the King My brothers and - TopicsExpress


January 22, 2004, Volume Four Jesus the King My brothers and sisters in this suffering world, follow My example. Be brave as your Savior was brave. When you are frightened, immerse yourself in My passion and ask yourself, “How did Jesus handle fear?” I tell you, My friends, I rested in My fears. I examined My fears closely because through that examination I discovered and reminded Myself that truly, the fear was natural, but unnecessary. My only true fear should have been that I would fail God and lose My soul through a permanent rejection of God. You, children, have seen how I lived through scripture and through the revelations I have made through many servants across the ages. What chance was there that I would have permanently rejected God? There was no chance of that, of course. My fears were groundless. And yet, I had to spend time with My fear and examine My fear so that I could come to that conclusion. Once I had come to the conclusion that I was going to serve God, and through that service to God save humanity, there was nothing left to fear. My future was decided. My path was lit up and I followed that path. From the time of My arrest I felt no uncertainty. Those holy souls who witnessed My passion would tell you that I did not rail against My fate. I did not curse God. I did not even curse humanity or My persecutors. I was the lamb. My sacrifice was perfect, both physically and mentally. Dearest brothers and sisters, whom I call as friends, you have the perfect example in Me. Follow My lead and look closely at your fears. When you have done this you will see that there is no good reason to spend time with fear and your time is much better spent consoling others, spreading My peace and Good News, and praising God, with Whom you are destined to spend eternity. Every breath of praise, every sentence of praise, every song of praise you utter will surround you with an oxygen-like substance in heaven. You will breathe in all of your prayers and you will exult in every earthly acceptance of suffering or hardship. Your prayers and obedience give God glory, this is true. But your earthly prayers and obedience also give you glory in eternity. These acts of submission to your God add to the light that will surround you in heaven. You must see heaven to believe it and I cannot show you too much because you remain in service at this time. But you will never regret what you do for your brothers and sisters, what you do for the Kingdom, or what you do to bring yourself closer to Me. You understand that through these things you experience peace. That is just the beginning of your reward for these acts. You feel this peace because you are coming closer to God through these decisions on earth. Examine your fears, My friends. I will help you. And together we will toss them aside, one by one, because they do not fuel holiness, but arrest your spiritual development. As such, they must be eliminated. I am with you and it is I who wills this process of eliminating fear. It is an important goal for you.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 23:00:00 +0000

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