Jayant Anand Dear Friends, as it is with most of us, opening a - TopicsExpress


Jayant Anand Dear Friends, as it is with most of us, opening a file in a computer is difficult. My desire from heart is to get Osho free from the clamps of commercialization, to get him free from his slaveholders. He is not a property or an asset. He is our Master. Help to free him. Read my thoughts carefully, word by word. Empty Your Mind and get the Truth Open Information to Sannyasins and all Friends and Lovers of OSHO Compiled out of love, created with respect, filled with compassion for OSHO by Sw. Anand Jayant - October 2013 Little Introduction Reading Osho, listening Osho, loving Osho, singing, dancing, enjoying, meditating with him gives you so much. You are thankful to him. Sometimes a Thank you! Sometimes a Love you! He is doing so much for you. How come, you are so indifferent to him? I am using the name Osho for better readability. You may also read Rajneesh or Bhagwan, according to the respective situation and your relationship. There is no problem. He needs you. His vision, his spirit, his high standards need your support. Contribute what ever you can. The following information will give some hints. Now it is on you. In this paper, you will not find the names of the people involved. That is fine. The selected place markers are merely descriptive. I do not intend to insult anyone or to agitate. If you dont know these people, you have a true story. If you know them, you have to digest the truth. Now it is on you. There is no fight about the ashram or samadhi or the trademark or whatever you was told, but efforts to end the abuse of Oshos heritage for wrong purposes. Now it is on you. This is no manifesto or program or demand for any action. Like you, I do not want to damage Osho or anything close to him. My intention is, to clean up, remove the dust and let the truth arise. I want to undo the transformation of Osho into merely a business commodity and to get the Master back. Become aware and meditate over it. Now it is on you. You may copy and distribute this article without alterations. Some History OSHO left his body in early nineteen-hundred-ninety. His sannyasins inherited a beautiful place, an energy-loaded buddhafield in Pune: the well reputed Osho Ashram in Koregaon Park. OSHO handed over thousands of hours of his recorded discourses, hundreds of his paintings, thousands of photographs and much more never to a single person or even a single organization. It is desirable, that a strong foundation with some reliable people will take care of these valuable assets. His wisdom made him select people whom he trusted, whom he wanted to take care of his heritage. He was never sticking to any material. OSHO gifted us much more than material assets. He never was owner of any properties. His real assets are his people, his sannyasins, his everlasting, limitless love. People of very high intelligence, very high standards and overflowing love, have a problem to find sincere people with whom they can share their thoughts and insights. They trust everybody equally. Do you trust everybody? Is it possible to trust everybody? OSHO was well aware of this problem and solved it quite practical. He continued trusting everybody, loving everybody. If something will go wrong he may lose once; not trusting everybody, he will lose all. OSHO was not a lawyer, not a politician, not a businessman, not a finance expert, not an administrative expert. In all these matters, he was dependent on others. He was like you and me, only a little more common. He was having a view, a vision, of what he wanted to be done. OSHO got all necessary help from experts to get the mundane work done. And there was a lot of work. OSHO supported lots of decisions after explaining and consulting this and that. As he was trusting the experts, these people created all legal papers, the fine prints and all linked matters their way. Do you think, experts are free from error and greed and lust for power? As mentioned before: Osho was a man of trust in all dimensions. He was not able and not willing to see the trickiness between the lines. He signed many papers, which their creators never would have signed. OSHOs body was full of pain, became weak. He was tired from his day-to-day business, always discussing all kind of nonsense with people of great knowledge but zero knowing. He expressed his wish to retire from all mundane activities. He was finally persuaded the formation of an Inner Circle with finally twenty-one members. OSHO appointed the members of the Inner Circle. It took him six months to finalize the list of lifetime members, yes: lifetime members. Do you think, Osho needs 6 months to select a few people out of his many sannyasins? Do you smell politics behind it to get someones wish list approved? OSHO gave instructions for the functioning of the created body to its members, and little information about that in a public speech. Details are kept secret. Quite perceptible, there was a problem with too many restrictions imposed by the Master, who always was very skeptical about organizations. OSHO eventually had to agree to the formation of another body: the Osho International Presidium. The Inner Circle is running the day-to-day business of the Commune, while the International Presidium is watching over all communes worldwide. OSHO granted both the chairs to one man, both lifetime benefits. Do you have any question? OSHOs Inner Circle is no more. Some members have died, some became bored by stupid administrative work and went back home to run their own centers, some are really sick and unable to do any work, some are banned from the commune and some are still there. The chairman was never in a need to have people around. He got, what he desired. Do you think, this is what Osho wanted? OSHO had chosen the members in such a way that multidimensional growth of his work and the commune could happen. By his instructions, the vacant seats had to be filled with new members, unanimously selected by the present members. No new member was ever selected. The Inner Circle was intentionally cut down to a tiny, but powerful Trinity. The chairman got, what he desired. Do you know these residual people, their vita, their background? OSHOs commune was a place for transformation, a seekers paradise. It is now turned into merely a short term visitors paradise. The world famous Ashram is now a would-like-to-be Resort. Do you know, who has changed the name, the place and has taken away the atmosphere, the spirit, the energy? OSHOs vision is not beautiful buildings and modern structures only. His vision is his people, on whom he had been working hard and with so much love for so many years. It is sad to see that his people are sidelined, ignored and not listened to. The policies and rules are such that neither long time sannyasins nor new people feel welcomed anymore. The quality and the depth in the energy field is missing. The chairman got, what he desired. Some Background To keep it short, this is an overview without going into details. Admitted, its a little black and white. You dont have to read a book, but get important information. Dont worry, here are no stories. The entire content of this brochure is based on documents and can be verified any time. Osho came to Pune (or: Bhagwan shifted to Poona) in the nineteen-seventies, where he created a commune for his sannyasins. Thousands of people were living together, working together, meditating together, laughing together and loving together. It was a very lively, vital, spiritual commune, enriched by the Masters energy. Where there are so many people living together and having their needs in different ways, structural formations have to be taken care of. That was supervised by the Master. He determined the actors, the direction, the actions. It was a beautiful, successful creation. Too many people were flocking to Pune at that time. It was very difficult to continue running the place, the commune, in a satisfactory way. Where is a place with more space? In India, no state, no city, no town was willing or allowed to give even a stamp sized piece of land to these dangerous people. Sannyasins found a way, they shifted to America. They managed to get him a visa for health treatment in the United States. His people created together with him Rajneeshpuram in Oregon, nicknamed the Ranch. They purchased some hundred square kilometers of muddy and exhausted land. They built houses, roads, fields, water storage and so on. The creation of this paradise was a huge, successful task. What is not so obvious, and only few are aware of, was the need of money, a lot of money. And even less visible were the uncountable legal battles, some because of sannyasins ignorance and many because of the local governments resistance and litigiousness. The commune managed legal issues with their own lawyers. Money poured in from rich people. Some of these became sannyasins, others just issued lots of money. Donation or loan, who cares. Money became an important issue. The most important issue. One fine day, a young man from Canada appeared and understood the Ranchs problems immediately. He was a self-styled developer, very skilfully transferring barren land or rotten estates into profitable resorts with huge profits for himself. He was a resort developer. Some business in his homeland went wrong, to say it positive, and he had to shift to California. Here he came in contact with some of the above mentioned rich people. His nose for business scented a big catch and he shifted to the Ranch, less likely for spiritual reasons. This happened at the end of nineteen-eighty-four, some months after his younger brother decided to stay with Bhagwan, then Osho, and then finally in Pune. It took the newcomer short time, around six weeks, to live in the same house and together with Osho, where entry was severely limited and common sannyasins rarely or never were allowed. He managed to offer his many skills to Osho and very soon he was the boss of not only the opaque finances of the movement. He avoided successfully any visible involvement into the annoying day-to-day affairs of the commune. He remained in the background. The finances remained with him till today. He implanted a picture of himself into Osho to be the savior of the movement and thus became absolutely indispensable for Osho. Osho trusted as usual and was since then completely usurped by the several foundations, trusts and their private companies, created in his name. Osho was running an ashram – now the ashram is running an Osho. The rise of Rajneeshpuram was over and its deterioration began at the time of its saviors entry. The Ranch was skillfully finished before the end of nineteen-eighty-five. This stage-managed dramatic dirty game framed a lot of innocent, helpless, trusty people guilty to get rid of them. Some were imprisoned with criminal charges. These manipulations remain as opaque as the finances, businesses and everything in the saviors hands. Even these shocking incidents were told by the Master, using different words at different occasions, but to be understood this very way. Osho was sick, his body full of pain. His personal physician helped with painkillers, year-in, year-out. As it is with routine, one needs more and more to get the same satisfaction. To get rid of side-effects, other treatments were added; and so on and so forth. When Osho was in custody of the American Government, he was not allowed his dubious medicines and he felt very, very uneasy at that time. Released from prison, he reported his condition during his jail time to his physician. After coordinating with the savior, the diagnosis ended up with the creation of a story: Osho was poisoned by the involved government. This cooked-up story is working only in favor of the villains. The inexperienced physicians questionable medications were no longer an issue and hence he was not to blame for anything happening to Osho. The official story made you believe: Osho was secretly poisoned by a government. All efforts by the devoted manager of the commune and a self-sacrificing personal physician could not save him. The real story is unfortunately not a story: No government has poisoned him. He perished because of a quack in the hands of a greedy ruler. Misuse of medicines over a long period kills even the strongest and toughest. Osho became weak and weaker. We were told an affecting story about his last moments and his last words. Only two people were with him in that fateful night while he left his body. Thousands were living in the commune, only two were present. Has Osho forgotten his people? Again, we are forced to believe a story: in the weeks before and till his last breath, Osho gave detailed instructions to the savior, on how to run the place, the commune, the sannyasins, the assets, the movable and immovable properties and so on. His spiritual work? Something in writing? This is not Osho. There is no proof other than the physician’s remarks, read from a well in advance prepared paper. Everything was planned before. Nobody ever questioned anything. A very effective white wash. Do not question Osho. Do not doubt his wisdom. is sannyasins modality. We are not questioning Osho. We are not doubting his wisdom. We feel a strong engagement to clear up the numerous incidents, accidents and inconsistencies, where people close to him are involved. More Facts The Ashram in Koregaon Park is spread over 35 acres of prime land. The market value of these properties is estimated to be more than thousand crore Indian Rupees or two-hundred million US Dollar. It makes sense for a money-only hypocrite, to turn it into a profitable resort, yielding huge profits to the new owners. Only problem is the sannyasins. Osho is already removed. You may take it literally. Make a beautiful place, a resort with five star amenities. Osho only has instructed the managers to do so, as the story goes. Take money from banks against loans, secured by the plots. It is called mortgage. Nowadays, the entire ashram or resort is running on loans. To get it broke needs a snap of a finger. The unscrupulous new owner is already waiting and preparing the situation. His people will do the dirty job after the last sannyasin has left the place. The present owners of the plots are a Neo-Sannyas-Foundation and an Osho-International-Foundation. No! Not in Switzerland, but registered in Mumbai and governed by Indian law under the flag of public charitable trusts. Only Indian citizens are allowed to be trustees. Trustees are not owners, but mere custodians. Foundations like these under Indian law need a permission at a time from the government to sell, gift, mortgage or otherwise charge any of the plots or assets. But, the well known puppets, the trustees-on-the-saviors-string, managed several times to get the charity commissioners sign for illegal procedures. This is brought to light and a complete halt, thanks to huge efforts by few awakened sannyasins and a law-abiding judge in the High Court. To change the ashram into a sannyasin-free resort is now difficult. Sannyasins are no more involved in running the place. To keep them away, the Foundations established private companies, at present Osho Multimedia and Resorts Private Limited. The directors and shareholders in these companies are the very same as the trustees in the parent foundation. The doors are open for any kind of fraud. The doors are closed for sannyasins. The parent foundations will not get anything from their own private companies. There is no profit. Officially. As mentioned above, there is another Osho International Foundation. Its official program, aim and purpose is to spread and support Oshos work and teachings all over the world. It is registered in Zürich in Switzerland, governed by Swiss law. The story goes, it is heart and mind of all activities in the name of Osho. The chairman? You know him already. It is the same savior, keeping his own people on the board of trustees, well known and seated everywhere. The Foundations headquarter is located at a posh address. It is an address only. There is no name-plate, no furniture belonging to OIF, no files are kept, no employee is working. Nothing. On an upper floor in a four-story building it shares a rented office-room with more than hundred other companies and corporations and foundations, doing their own business in a similar way: it is a multipurpose letterbox. They claim to be the owners of all rights of Osho. Legal or illegal. They run offices for their business in the name of Osho in several places in the world. These private companies have real people working, real employees and their real business is very profitable. They are not contributing to centers, centers have to contribute to them. They entertain their directors with well hidden salaries, bonuses and other exclusive and expensive compensations. They are making money by branding Osho, by selling Osho, by using Osho. They are not charging you for their propaganda, but you pay a hefty price by believing them. The parent foundations will not get anything from their own private companies. There is no profit. Officially. After 10 years of fierce battle before a court in the US, they lost the right to trademark Osho. Now, a similar case is tried before a European Court, again about the abuse of a trademark in the name of Osho. They do not like to lose this case, the next in a row of losses, and became very tricky. Suddenly, the very same people, who were also witnesses in the case in the US, found a twenty-three years old Last Will and Testament of Osho, testified by themselves only, the very same witnesses in the case. Something smells dirty in that dilettantish Magician’s Masterpiece. Final Thought All registered Foundations are legal entities, in India and elsewhere. Private companies, established by the foundations are legal entities, too. They are owned by their respective parent foundation. Their earnings belong to the respective parent foundation. The Foundations, registered in India, are legal owners of the ashram. Their trustees or anybody else are not. Trustees of foundations are not owners of anything related to the respective foundation. They are mere custodians and can be held liable for any damages to the foundation caused by them, be that wittingly or illegally or just by negligence. Any foundation or person claiming any right to ownership of any property of Osho, movable or immovable, material or immaterial, has to prove this claim to be true beyond doubt. Inner Circle, Osho International Presidium, Osho Global Connections and similar bodies with fantastic names are no legal corporations at all. Before any law, these are groups of people, working loosely together, harassing others or what ever purpose you may have been told. They are nothing but storytellers. Now, where do you find the position of our well known villains in this jungle of entities? Where is their claimed power stemming from? You are still knuckling to them? Meditate over it. Now it is on you. Finally a personal remark: You may miss Osho quotes in this paper. Osho has used his words, his expression, his silence to make us understand. Repeating his words is not teaching, will not make you understand. It may even misguide you. I will talk in my own words and my own experience only. I am not a parrot. You want to share something with me or other sannyasins? Feel free and email to : hbpune@gmail or visit : oshowork.org
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 09:36:13 +0000

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