Join FEBC in the Great Commission World Religions Prayer & Share - TopicsExpress


Join FEBC in the Great Commission World Religions Prayer & Share Guide Use this Study this Keep this Share this in your prayer and devotional time to prepare for personal evangelism handy for answering questions about other religions with your family, friends, and church group FEBC FAR EAST BROADCASTING COMPANY ?? ?? ?? SEA OF GALILEE, ISRAEL Will You Help Shape Someone Else’s Eternity? Prayer & Share Jesus’s followers served a very specific purpose. After He said, “Follow Me,” they watched His ministry unfold in living color. They saw the deaf regain their hearing, the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers cleansed, the possessed set free, and the dead rise again! They witnessed His earth-shattering death and His glorious resurrection. Right before He ascended into heaven, Jesus gave His followers a final word of encouragement: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Today, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are His witnesses in our communities, our nation, and to the very ends of the earth! FEBC’s Prayer & Share Guide is designed to equip you in this eternityshaping task . . . the most important one you will ever undertake. Sharing your faith with people from other religions demands more than simply telling people about the love of Jesus. We have to do the work of missionaries . . . forging paths into different worldviews . . . and building bridges across cultural divides. We must share the truth in love. EDWARD W. CANNON 3 First, all effective ministry begins with prayer. This guide is filled with prayer requests that will help you pray effectively for our ministry around the world. As you do, you will be participating in this work as powerfully as if you were in the middle of the mission field! Next, this guide will equip you to understand the beliefs and hopes and needs of people from other religions. You’ll discover what they believe about God, Christ, Scripture, and salvation . . . as well as how those beliefs compare with the unique truth of Christianity. So, please stand with us in prayer today and in the days to come. Dig into this guide to get to know the hearts and minds of those who are being reached with this ministry. Also, reach out to those in your community from backgrounds like these . . . may the Lord give you the opportunities to share His love and truth right where you are! Praying Alongside You, Edward W. Cannon President and CEO of Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) FEBC FAR EAST BROADCASTING COMPANY Even though I live in an area where another faith is practiced, my soul is refreshed and blessed by FEBC’s Bible study programs. I hope and pray this radio broadcast reaches every person who doesn’t know Jesus. Listener in Indonesia “” 4 Christianity Get Grounded in the One True Faith A History Christianity is unique among other world religions. Of all other religious leaders and teachers, only Jesus’ claims were validated by His resurrection from the dead, and that event is the historical and spiritual foundation for the Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15:17). The Basics God Is . . . There is one, true God. He is the Creator and Savior, existing in three eternal, equal, divine persons with different roles—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Is . . . He is perfect God and perfect Man, fully human and fully divine. Jesus was born on earth to a virgin, died to pay the penalty for our sins, rose from the dead, and will come again someday. Scripture Is . . . The Old and New Testaments are the very Word of God. They are the perfect, final authority for faith and life. Salvation Is . . . People are saved only by the free gift of God’s grace through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Nothing we do will earn salvation. From a Listener in Ethiopia I bowed my head and said: “Okay, if you are here Jesus, then come to me.” That’s all. And He came. Later, I received a pocket-sized Bible. Then I prayed very much. I read and loved the Bible, always trying to personalize verses for myself. I believe the Holy Spirit taught me how to know Jesus. And then a miracle occurred! I wrote to my wife, an atheist, saying I now believe in Jesus. She wrote that on the same day, she also found Jesus! Now I know God is omnipresent. Christianity has spread through my family. “” SEA OF GALILEE, ISRAEL For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) 5 Christianity Get Grounded in the One True Faith The Power of Prayer Prayer is the most powerful spiritual tool God has given to His children. James 5:16 teaches, “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results” (NLT). When His people pray, it’s just a matter of time . . . People give their hearts to the Lord. Families are strengthened. Children and teenagers grow up to be godly men and women. Communities come together in peace. Even nations can be changed for the Kingdom! At FEBC, we are convinced that every life changed through this ministry is a direct result of powerful, fervent prayer. Pray for FEBC Pray that we can continue to preach the Gospel in closed or inhospitable countries and that many will come to know Jesus as their Savior. Pray for the health and safety of our staff, many of whom travel great distances in the course of their work. Please pray for our team as they develop new programs to reach different people groups. Pray that our initial contacts with listeners can be developed into relationships. Pray that God will continue to inspire new donors to support and pray for the work of FEBC. 6 Buddhism There Is No Real Truth . . . and No Hope A History Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Buddha, founded Buddhism in the sixth century BC. Using the early Hindu concept of Karma, Buddha taught that there is no real truth except for personal experience. He called his path to enlightenment - or nirvana - “The Middle Way,” because it avoids the extremes of materialism and austerity, both of which can cause suffering. There are about 380 million Buddhists worldwide, with most living in Asia—from China and Japan to Mongolia and Tibet. The Basics God Is . . . Buddhism is basically atheistic. The concept of god is not part of any discussion. All reality is believed to be an illusion. The only truth is personal experience, especially through the pursuit of nirvana. Jesus Is . . . Some Buddhists believe that Jesus was a spiritual teacher like Buddha. Others see Him as a bodhisattva, or a person who achieved true enlightenment and helped others to do the same. Scripture Is . . . A collection of Buddha’s sermons and commentaries called the Pali Triptaka serves as the holy writings for nearly all Buddhists. Salvation Is . . . Buddhists equate salvation with nirvana, a state of oneness with the universe. A Buddhist reaches nirvana by striving for a state where the self ceases to exist. From a Listener in Southeast Asia I was a Buddhist. However, I always wondered about the truth of all religious mysteries. One day I happened to listen to FEBC, and l learned that all the truth I had been looking for lies within God. I am 70 years old now. I don’t have much time left in my life, but I want to offer the rest of it to Christ. It wasn’t easy changing my whole belief system. However, having decided to believe in God, I will spend the rest of my life going to church and evangelizing others. Thank you so much, FEBC. “” For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) BAGAN, MYANMAR 7 Buddhism Buddhism There Is No Real Truth . . . and No Hope Share and Care Start at the beginning. Most Buddhists are completely unfamiliar with Christianity. They need to hear the Gospel gently and clearly, without the assumptions that many of us make about prior understanding. Buddhists come from the belief that their own efforts are key to reaching salvation, and they never believe that it is assured. So the concept of a God who offers forgiveness and the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ speaks to deep needs they already feel! Because Buddhists believe that the ultimate reality is nothingness, our personal God provides a great deal of hope. He loves us. He can hear us and answer our prayers. Be sure to emphasize these characteristics of our God when sharing your faith. How to Pray Pray that Buddhists will seek to know the true and only God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to prevent confusion as they listen and learn from FEBC. Pray for strength and courage for those who consider trusting Christ. Pray that God will raise up new voices to share the Gospel in Buddhist nations. Pray for FEBC missionaries as they build relationships and disciple new believers. 8 Hinduism An Impossible Journey to the Divine A History Simply put, Hindus believe that god is everything and everything is god. Other than that, Hinduism is an extremely diverse belief system. Most Hindus worship many gods, believing that all religions lead to the same goal—a connection to Brahman, or the ultimate divine. As the world’s third-largest faith, Hinduism counts nearly one billion followers. Most Hindus live in India and other regions of Asia. But due to the popularity of yoga, many Hindu beliefs such as the law of karma, the cycle of reincarnation, and the practice of meditation have entered Western culture. The Basics God Is . . . Brahman is infinite, eternal, and impersonal. Brahman is also the cause, source, and material of all creation. In order to approach the divine, Hindus have created multiple names and personal forms for Brahman. Jesus Is . . . One of the personal forms of Brahman is called Vishnu. He occasionally comes to earth as an avatar, or a wise human teacher, who helps the world move toward enlightenment. Hindus believe that Jesus was an avatar. Scripture Is . . . Hindus have many sacred scriptures. The most commonly accepted include the Vedas, Upanishads, and other collections of rituals, mantras, spiritual teachings, and philosophies. Salvation Is . . . Moksha is the ultimate goal of Hinduism. Followers seek to find or realize their connection to Brahman, which leads to a complete detachment from worldly desires and freedom from the cycle of reincarnation. From a Listener in India I come from a traditional Hindu family. I was dejected in life because I am paralyzed. But radio brought hope and encouragement; it became my constant companion. I have been listening to your programs for many years and have accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. I’m also grateful to your ministry for providing me with a wheelchair, which enables me to move around and take care of myself. I praise God for His faithfulness through you. “” In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. (Ephesians 1:7-8) 9 Hinduism An Impossible Journey to the Divine Share and Care Describe your personal relationship with God. A real, genuine, authentic relationship with the Lord is totally contrary to the impersonal nature of Brahman. As humans, we have a built-in longing to know God personally. As you share your relationship, many Hindus will recognize this need deep within and respond! Because of their belief in the law of karma, Hindus carry the responsibility of their every deed and fault. They are painfully aware that they cannot live the perfect life that they seek, and the burden of their actions is heavy. By emphasizing the forgiveness that Jesus offers, you are reaching out with a lifeline of hope! How to Pray Pray for Hindu people to hear the truth and believe. Pray that Hindus will come to a full understanding of God and His character. Pray that Satan will be prevented from blinding them to the truth. Pray for FEBC broadcasts to be received with open hearts and minds. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work through believers as they share the Gospel. 10 Islam Life is a Constant Battle A History Founded in AD 622 by Muhammad, the term Islam means “submission to Allah’s will.” He claimed to have received special revelations from Allah. Muslims are commanded to spend their lives in jihad, or “holy war.” Even though some Muslims interpret this to designate physical struggle, most engage in “greater jihad,” or the personal struggle against evil in their own souls. Nearly one-fourth of the world’s population is Muslim. Islam is split into two primary groups, Sunnis and Shiites. Sunnis believe that Islamic leaders should be elected and treat other cultures with general tolerance. Shiites believe that all Islamic leaders should only come from Muhammad’s bloodline. They follow the teachings of the Koran literally, seeking to establish theocracies around the world. The Basics God Is . . . Allah is unable to be understood by the human mind. He is inaccessible to all and cannot be known personally. Jesus Is . . . Next to Muhammad, Jesus was the greatest prophet who ever lived. Muhammad referred to as Isa, was human, not God or the Son of God. He was not crucified. Instead, Allah took Him into heaven. Scripture Is . . . Muslims believe that Allah provided portions of the Bible, but they were corrupted over time. So Allah then gave the Qur’an or Koran as true Scripture, his very words. Salvation Is . . . The only hope of salvation comes through perfect obedience to Allah’s will as written in the Koran and demonstrated in Muhammad’s life. Muslims have no assurance of either forgiveness or salvation. From a Listener in the Middle East Your radio program is wonderful! I used to be a Muslim. I regret every moment that passed in my life without knowing Jesus Christ. There are many Muslims where I live. Your Friday broadcast helps me understand the difference between the Bible and the Koran. Please pray for me because I want to witness to Muslim people. “” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6) 1 1 Islam Life is a Constant Battle Share and Care Islam is more than a religion. It is a way of life shared with others in community. Relationships are very important. Evangelism requires a serious investment of time. We must develop genuine relationships, demonstrating a committed Christian lifestyle and then share the Gospel. Don’t ever criticize Islam. Instead, carefully define what you mean when you speak about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, sin, and salvation. Ask questions about their beliefs, and be prepared to engage in deep discussions. Muslims live under a works-based mindset in which Allah loves conditionally, judges harshly, and cannot be known personally. So emphasize God’s love, His grace, and the assurance of a personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. How to Pray Pray that Muslims are open and receptive to the truth. Pray that Muslims will recognize and experience God’s forgiveness. Pray that God will give us a heart of love and compassion for Muslims. Pray for protection over FEBC missionaries and staff in the Muslim world. Pray that believers living in Muslim countries will be strong in the faith! 12 This Prayer & Share Guide has been brought to you by FEBC. For more information on the Great Commission ministry of FEBC and how you can pray for the world, please contact us at: Far East Broadcasting Company
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 06:39:04 +0000

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