July 13, 2014 Immanuel Presbyterian Church Rev. Ryu, - TopicsExpress


July 13, 2014 Immanuel Presbyterian Church Rev. Ryu, Kwang-su Translated by: Sora Han Edited: Brett Pazdur First Service “So that we would not be outwitted by Satan” (2Co 2:5-11) ♠Introduction ▶There are people who say that they have so many problems, that things are difficult, that they are troubled by certain people, that their workplace is difficult, and that things are hard at home. May today be a day for you to change all of those things. For people who know the Gospel, problems are an opportunity. This is because they know the reason for the problem as well as the answer. 1. This is because those who have the Gospel know that God’s great plan remains within problems. 1) 7 Remnants – For Joseph, slavery, imprisonment after being falsely accused, and the governorship all became an opportunity for blessings. David was on the run within great hardship, but because he knew that God had an important plan within that hardship, he could forgive others and not be shaken. 2) Early Church – Despite the many problems they faced, they knew that God had a plan within those problems. Even if many problems come, there is nothing to worry about. 3) Historic evidence – The great works and answers of Rev. Chu, Ki-chul who refused to bow before the Japanese shrines and Rev. Son, Yang-won who took two young men who killed his own sons as his adopted sons 2. This is so that those who have the Gospel would not be outwitted by Satan. 1) Joseph – He became the governor and forgave Potiphar and his brothers. Why? It was so that he would not be deceived by Satan. 2) David - He knew that King Saul who tried to kill him was filled with an evil spirit. Until the very end, he tried to help Saul and prayed for him. 3) Why do we bear with hardship? Why do we forgive and wait for those who have wronged us? It is so that we would not be deceived by Satan. 3. There is a different future for those who have the Gospel. ▶It may seem as though those who have the Gospel are experiencing hardship, but there is a different reason. 1) 1Pe 3:8-12, For whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good. 2) Because you have an important future, do not look at the small problems before your eyes and get deceived; instead, have victory. 3) Absolutely, six destructions will follow those who do not know God. God has given us the background of heaven. For this reason, there is no need for us to incur a loss while living like unbelievers. ▶From the moment you know the Gospel, everything is a blessing. ♠Conclusion 1) Do not be deceived by Satan (Jn 8:44, Satan is the father of lies). 2) When Job experienced great physical suffering, he was not deceived, and instead, gave all the glory to God (Job 1:21-22, Job 19:25-26, Job 23:10-14). Satan cannot overcome those have the covenant. 3) You must have the eyes to see the opportunity when faced with crises. ▶Problems are a chance. If you look carefully, it is a chance for tremendous blessings. You must be able to see this clearly (Eph 5:17-18). That is prayer. The problems that will approach us are all answers. Look carefully. Because God works by His Holy Spirit upon those who have the Gospel, you must open a different set of eyes (Ac 2:17). ▶I bless you in the name of the Lord that you would hold on to this covenant and begin praying. Then, answers will come. When answers come, you just need to follow them. Second Service “The aroma of death, the aroma of life” (2Co 2:12-17) ♠Introduction – Spiritual warfare ▶What must we do in order to receive answers to prayer like Paul? How can you solve your problems? Paul was the greatest scholar. However, he could not solve his own personal problems. But one day, he met Christ. After he met Christ, he testified of Christ. In the midst of that, he faced a great hardship. Paul looked at this and called it spiritual warfare. 1) War against Satan 2) War against disasters 3) War against hell ▶Paul who received answers to prayer considered his walk of faith as the following: 1. Together with the triumphant general in his walk of faith ▶We cannot solve the problem on our own, but Christ, who is the triumphant general, solved the problem for us. That is the blessing of salvation. 1) Victorious soldiers – We must understand these words in order to become completely victorious soldiers. 2) Banner (evangelism) – Then, just do one thing. You just need to place the banner in the land you conquered. This is what we call evangelism. Evangelism is holding up the banner of the victorious Christ. 3) Field conquest – That is the way to conquer the field and the way to save it. 2. Our walk of faith is the joyful news that we are sharing with all of the people, like a shout of victory ▶Our walk of faith is a shout of victory, alerting all of the people to this joyful news. It is about liberation. 1) It bespeaks of the great glory that God has revealed in the age of Exodus. 2) Exodus from Babylon is a shout of victory. 3) It is the sound of victory in the age of exodus from Rome and revealing it to the world. 3. We must now relay the aroma of Christ to all the earth (future). 1) 10 miracles arose in Egypt (blood covenant). 2) The miracles took place centered on the tabernacle in the wilderness. 3) When the temple that signified Christ was rebuilt, the miracle of Babylon arose. 4) The miracles arose to save the crippled man in front of the temple gates, Samaria, and Damascus that no one could save. 5) Christ’s fragrance will be spread to the 12 destructions of mankind and works will arise. ♠Conclusion ▶Go to all regions and all fields of victory and raise the banner of Christ. Fulfill your role as the watchman. I will become the watchman of 24-hour prayer. The prayer of the watchman is the greatest prayer to save the world. ▶Jn 14:14, The prayer that you pray in the name of Jesus will absolutely be answered. All the forces of unbelief working in this region will be bound in the name of Jesus Christ! You must truly begin to pray. I will become a watchman of this work! This is our walk of faith. If we just do this, answers will come.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 00:41:19 +0000

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