Just a bit of Thoughts and Ramblings. Its amazing how things - TopicsExpress


Just a bit of Thoughts and Ramblings. Its amazing how things all fall into place, I Bellesiel Raina am very happy elf. I have had a happy life, though when I was little for a bit I was sad,but it seemed only for a little bit. It was after my parents , My real parents left Arda, My Ada dying in the mountains coming back from Mirkwood by the way of an orc attack and Lord Elrond sending my nana to sail to save her broken heart. I was a very young and confused elfling, Lord elrond and Lady Celebrian took me in as their own, though for a bit I went to Lorien to heal, My time in Lorien with Lady Galadriel was magical, I loved the golden wood. It was a calming and peaceful place, one I did forget for a while. As time went on and I was accepted into the family my past was sort of forgotten, Though I do not remember my Nana and Ada, I remember bits and pieces from my childhood before Moving into the Last Homely House, in our little cottage, in the woods, i loved that cottage, the small garden out front, with the lilacs and rose bushes. The smell of bread baking and Nanas pies. That cottage is mine now, though I have not gone there in a while,Ada had his study full of maps and such, I suppose being a messenger to Lord Elrond and journeying to the different realms he would want the easiest and quickest way to arrive. As time went on I quickly forgot the little bit of childhood with my parents, My life was different now, I was being trained as a Lady of Rivendell, and Adopted by Lord Elrond and Lady Celebrian as their own, I truly and deeply love my adopted parents and Siblings, No longer was I the little elfling running through the halls being chased after by a nanny Nana took care of me most of the time, She was loving and caring. Taught me many things and also taught me it was alright to be silly once in a while, Ada was kind as well, caring my favorite times when I was little was when I would sit on adas lap and he would tell me stories of his past, What an honor to listen to him tell me about his childhood with Maglor and then his time with King Gil`galad, that installed a sense of history that made me want to learn everything,I spent many days in the library reading, and learning on my own, besides my studies with Lord Erestor,which I thought quite boring at times. My child hood was one of love and privilege, caring and understanding. I am grateful for that. I want to thank My adopted parents for everything that was given to me in both mind and body I am who I am today because of you, I have a happy simple life one many would wish for,I sit here writing this in my bedroom at My Aunt Monique and Uncle Jorys House in my bedroom there, With my animals and new cousin,Waiting for a very special Man one that slipped into my life and has made me happy no matter how long he is gone, I care for My Felix greatly and hope that the future is bright for us. I have grown a bit but I know I have much growing to do being an elf so young. I take what has been of my past and the happiness of the present as well as the uncertainty of the future to guide me.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 00:43:37 +0000

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