Just a quick note about the future of the channel regarding - TopicsExpress


Just a quick note about the future of the channel regarding sponsorships: Up until this point Ive been very conservative about how much I get involved with sponsors. I dont want you guys to feel like Im money grabbing and stuff. However, in order to make the most of YouTube and treat it more like a proper job, youll likely be seeing more sponsors flying around. These sponsorships help keep the channel alive and help keep you guys seeing all the lovely content that you wanna see! Some things to note, though. I will NEVER go full sellout mode. I have some very strict rules on what I will and will not endorse: 1) I wont endorse anything that I dont feel pertains to the interest of my audience. 2) Nothing that is against Riots TOS or shady. No account boosts and no scams 3) most importantly - my sponsors will NEVER EVER EVER EVER get in the way of the content I produce. EVER. If a sponsor would for whatever mean I would produce worse or less content for you guys, I wont do it. So what does this mean for you? Negatives: Honestly very little. Youll see more logos around and Ill be dropping endorsements here and there. Positives: enables the sustainability of the channel, and keeps the content comin. There may even be extra stuff and giveaways for you lot! So yeah, thats all I wanted to say. I want to be as transparent as possible with you guys, hopefully you understand my decision to include more sponsors. Thanks, and have a great day! ^_^
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 09:56:18 +0000

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