Just like a spelling or grammar nazi, we have all heard the call - TopicsExpress


Just like a spelling or grammar nazi, we have all heard the call of the science nazi a million times before “DONT BELIEVE THE LIES! THE EARTH IS FLAT! ALIEN CONSPIRACY! IF YOU DONT BELIEVE THE EARTH IS FLAT WE WILL FALL OFF THE EDGE! GOD KNOWS BEST! THE GOVERNMENT IS LYING TO YOU! ALIEN CONSPIRACY!” The Australian Government clearly should represent the Australia, including it’s plants, animals and landscape, and not the 83% foreign owned mining companies who employ only 2% of the Australian work force. Carbon pricing and in particular in the carbon tax is endorsed by the OECD, IMF, the World Bank, United Nations, prominent economists as well as many conservation organisations as the most cost efficient way to tackle climate change. The Carbon Tax is effectively a pollution fine paid by the top 500 polluters the same way you would pay a fine for litter or sending spam. The money collected goes to a renewable energy fund and other environmentally sustainable projects or reimburse taxpayers for any increased charges they may incurred due to the tax. oecd.org/newsroom/carbon-taxes-and-emissions-trading-are-cheapest-ways-of-reducing-co2.htm imf.org/external/np/exr/facts/enviro.htm worldbank.org/en/news/opinion/2013/05/16/tackling-climate-change-robust-carbon-price report.mitigation2014.org/spm/ipcc_wg3_ar5_summary-for-policymakers_approved.pdf wwf.org.au/our_work/people_and_the_environment/global_warming_and_climate_change/solutions/price_on_carbon_pollution/how_a_price_on_pollution_will_work_in_australia/ greenpeace.org/australia/en/news/climate/At-last-A-plan-was-hatched/ “Proud To Be Tackling Climate Change” “Former Liberal leader John Hewson, Wallabies player David Pocock, Dr Rosemary Stanton and other prominent Australians talk about why they are proud that we are tackling climate change and investing in Australias future.” https://youtube/watch?v=rKSI3NyReQY Studies show unsubsidised renewable energy is cleaner and healthier for you and the environment, cheaper, provides more jobs than subsidised fossil fuels or nuclear energy. The energy is produced locally and works best using a combination of different sources, avoiding conflict for energy monopolies and nuclear proliferation and the high very long term cost of toxic waste storage or disasters. Many countries already have 50%-100% renewable energy 24 hours a day 7 days week from the electricity grid, while other countries have grown tired of negative criticism internationally and started aggressive renewable energy investment and climate change policies. Renewable energy uses land space more efficiently and has less environment impact to the environment, wildlife and residents. reneweconomy.au/2014/renewables-dont-add-costs-dump-13007 theenergycollective/don-madden/60712/facts-green-energy-does-create-jobs about.bnef/press-releases/renewable-energy-now-cheaper-than-new-fossil-fuels-in-australia/ bloomberg/news/2014-04-16/new-wind-solar-power-cheaper-than-nuclear-option-study-shows.html theenergycollective/miashaw/269021/studies-suggest-combining-renewables-can-fully-cover-energy-needs-2030 iea.org/policiesandmeasures/renewableenergy/ cleantechnica/2014/04/05/china-1-renewable-energy-investment-us-2-japan-3-chart/ greenpeace.org/international/en/campaigns/climate-change/energyrevolution/renewable-energy-myths/ The science on global warming is clear. The Earth’s temperature is rising mostly caused by greenhouse gases released and deforestation by humans. The earth’s temperature has risen .7c degrees since 1880 and the CO2 level is higher than it has been in 800, 000 years of earth’s history. The effects are glacier melt, seas rising, heat waves, cyclones, bushfires, flood and in Australia in particular drought, lots of drought! This will cause severe food and water storages, and life and economic loss. The measurements and information were recorded with the latest precise scientific methods. The IPCC alone has over 900 authors, editors and other experts from 80 countries review and work on the 5 year reports they have written for over 25 years The reports are written on the most stringent conditions possible with full transparency, they know their reputations are on the line far more than any journalist in the world. https://ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/publications_and_data_reports.shtml “IPCCGeneva Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis” https://youtube/watch?v=6yiTZm0y1YA “IPCCGeneva Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability” https://youtube/watch?v=jMIFBJYpSgM https://ipcc.ch/pdf/unfccc/sbsta40/SED/1_edenhofer_sbsta_sed_wg3_overview.pdf https://ipcc.ch/pdf/ar5/ar5_authors_review_editors_updated.pdf ipcc.ch/organization/organization_procedures.shtml climate.nasa.gov/effects https://oxfam.org.au/explore/climate-change/impacts-of-climate-change/world-food-crisis/ “Climate change explained, and the myths debunked” “There is a lot of inaccurate nonsense about climate science written in blogs and the media, whether exaggerating the effects of climate change or seeking to undermine the science behind it. This series checks the sources of these claims and shows how they have been misinterpreted or deliberately altered. I have no expertise in climatology, I am a former science journalist, so checking facts is what I do. And I always cite these sources so you can check them for yourselves. Along the way, I explain the real science as relayed by researchers in published papers, in a way that makes it easy to understand.”https://youtube/playlist?list=PL82yk73N8eoX-Xobr_TfHsWPfAIyI7VAP When is a carbon tax not a carbon tax? When it’s the Abbott Government’s Direct Action Plan! The Abbott government has purposely targeted anyone and made life as hard and expensive as possible that opposes the fossil fuel mining monopolies. Despite the clear science records, signs of climate change and benefits for renewable energy and carbon pricing, that Abbott government has decided to scrap the Carbon Tax and on the Liberal website falsely advertises the outrageous claim that an average electricity bill would “fall by $200” by “the world’s biggest carbon tax” despite any evidence whatsoever for either claim. It’s even more disingenuous and insincere as the Direct Action plan will cost more. They propose to have a Direct Action Plan to fund renewable energy and plant trees, but instead Abbott has planned to dredge the world heritage Great Barrier Reef, log the world heritage forests and national parkland, abolished the renewable energy fun and cut the renewable energy target. He has yet to articulately explain to the Australian public how he will raise money for his plan without using tax money or taxing people. Budget cuts explain nothing and only raise even more burning questions such as where did the rest of the money go? abc.net.au/news/2013-10-30/tony-abbott-carbon-tax-gas-electricity-bills/5050348 sbs.au/news/article/2013/10/29/factbox-carbon-taxes-around-world theguardian/environment/southern-crossroads/2013/dec/15/great-barrier-reef-destruction-abbot-point-greg-hunt abc.net.au/news/2014-03-05/abbott-timber-industry-dinner-forestry-council-forest-locked-up/5299046 energybusinessnews.au/business/regulation-policy/arena-axing-cuts-1-3-billion-from-renewables/ smh.au/federal-politics/political-news/renewable-energy-target-faces-cut-by-abbott-20131218-2zlgs.html independentaustralia.net/environment/environment-display/captain-abbott-and-his-titanic-climate-stupidity,6531 theguardian/environment/2013/oct/22/un-climate-chief-says-direct-action-a-lot-more-expensive-than-pricing-carbon Vampires love the darkness, and hate the light! Don’t be mesmerised by their seductive trance!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 07:58:59 +0000

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