KABIMBA BANS MULENGA SATAS ZNBC TV APPEARANCE Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Dr. Joseph Katema on the orders from Justice Minister, Wynter Kabimba on Friday, summoned public media heads and blasted them for giving wide coverage to Mulenga Sata, the son to ailing president Michael Sata. Last week the public media gave coverage to Mulenga after he angrily reacted against Guy Scott’s statement that questioned Mulenga’s nationality and eligibility to stand as Republican President. Dr. Katema blasted the media heads and news editors particularly from state owned ZNBC and Times of Zambia for “insulting the vice-president” with their coverage. “No one is scared. Where is GBM (former defence Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba)”, Katema asked. He said Katema was angry with the two media institutions for ridiculing the vice-president. “Who is Mulenga Sata?” He said Mulenga Sata was just a Mayor of Lusaka, a portfolio he termed as too small in government and party ranking. He ordered the media heads “to ignore Mulenga’s political ambitions”. Mulenga Sata appears to have been put on the fast track to build his image and make him a front-runner in the on-going PF’s succession battle. But he is expected to meet an entrenched Kabimba infrastructure.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 09:17:22 +0000

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