KHUTBAH MADINA THE BLESSED CITY OF THE HOLY PROPHET Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu All praises belong to Allah Who sent his Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of TRAth to make it overcome all other ways (not in conformity with it) and Allah is sufficient as Witness upon this. I testify that Allah has no partner in His Kingdom, no one supports Him, He begets not nor was He begotten and He remains unique is His attributes and personality. There is nothing, in the Heavens and on Earth that is similar or comparable to Him. O Allah! Bestow blessings and peace upon the secret of divine Essence through whom the divine Names and Attributes were elucidated, our leader and master Muhammad, the best of creations. O Allah! Shower your grace and overflowing bounties upon his family, companions and all those who believe and follow him till the Day of Assembly. O Brethren! I exhort you and I to show gratitude for the special favour of Allah for making us Muslims. For us to get the maximum benefit of the season, we had discussed the blessings and the history of Makkah al-Mukarramah. We are, today, discussing about that City whose inhabitants extended their hands of allegiance to Allah’s Messenger when everybody rejected him. This city provided the farmland where the seed of Islam was planted, water, germinated, harvested and exported. Indeed, Allah has also blessed the city of His Beloved Prophet (SAW) which we need to know and appreciate as such. Madinatul Munawarrah (The City of Light) which also prides itself as the City of the Messenger of Allah (Madinatu Rasulullah) used to be known and called Yathrib, was inhabited by the rival tribes of Aws and Khazraj. It gave unparalleled support unknown in the history of mankind to Rasulullah (SAW) for the establishment of the Islamic State. The blessed body of the Prophet (SAW) rests in this City till today. Madinah did not come to assume this prime position in Islam. It is certainly Allah’s design. From the biography of Salman al-Farisi we understand how he came to settle in Madinah in search of the Last Messenger of Allah who was to settle in that land. Before his coming to Madinah, Salman had attached himself to various Christian religious figures in Mosul, Nisibis and elsewhere. The last one had told him about the appearance of a Prophet in the land of the Arabs who would have a reputation for strict honesty, one who would accept a gift (had’ya) but would never consume charity (sadaqah) for himself. The same goes for the Jews who also knew about Madinah and the description of the Last Messenger who will live there. A large community of Jews had settled in Madinah before the advent of Rasulullah. However, when he (SAW) GOT TO Madinah, they refused to accept his message. O servants of Allah! Allahs Messenger (SAW) declared Madinah to be as sacred as Abraham (AS) had declared Makkah to be. The Prophet (SAW) said, What lies between its (Madinahs) two lava plains is sacred. The sanctuary of Madinah is described as: 1. What lies between its two lava plains: The Eastern one, previously known as Hirrat Waqim, and the Western one, known as Hirrat Al-Wabrah. 2. Its three small mountains (TudaRA, Umm Khalid and Al-`Aqil or Al-`Aqir) are declared sacred. These mountains overlook Al-`Aqiq Valley on the western side of `Urwah Well (near the Islamic University). 3. Declaring the sacredness of what lies between Thaur and A’ir: Thaur is a small, red mountain located behind Uhud. Nowadays, the airport road passes behind it. A’ir is a huge, black mountain located to the southern east of Dhul-Hulaifah (Abyar `Ali). On its western pass RAns the Hijrah Highway. O servants of Allah! Verily, Madinah is one of the most beloved places to Allah, the Exalted, because of the following merits: ü It is the land of His Prophets migration (SAW), it is his couch, and its people are his neighbors and supporters. Moreover, it is the abode of Faith, for to it returns Faith at the end of time. At its entrances, there are Guardian Angels. Neither Antichrist (Dajjal) nor the Plague will be admitted to it. It will be the last city in the world to be RAined. It is the land of receiving Revelation [Wah’y]. There is no place in Madinah that has not had Quranic verses or Prophetic hadith revealed or said therein. It is the Sanctuary of Allah and His Messenger (SAW). ü Whoever intends evil actions against Madinah, Allah will wipe him out just as water dissolves salt. It expels its impious inhabitants. For it Allahs Messenger (SAW) made these supplications: “O Allah! Make Madinah as dear to us as You made Makkah dear or more.” “O Allah! Increase in Madinah twice the blessing (Thou showered) upon Makkah.” “O Allah! Bless our Madinah, bless us in our Sa` and Mudd, and make twice Thy blessing.” “Let him die in Madinah who can do so.” O servants of Allah! It is also important to know that in Madinah lays the magnificent mosque of the Holy Prophet. In Islam, the Prophets Mosque is second in rank with regard to merit and status in Allahs sight. The same applies to the reward for the worshipers and those heading there. The Prophet (SAW) said, Do not undertake a journey, but to one of the three Mosques: the Sacred Mosque (the Ka’bah), this Mosque of mine, and Al-Aqsa Mosque (in JeRAsalem). It has been narrated that performing Prayers in the Prophets Mosque is of great merit and reward. The Prophet (SAW) said, A Prayer in this Mosque of mine is a thousand times more excellent than a Prayer in any other mosque except the Sacred Mosque (in Makkah). No specific supplication has been reported to be said upon entering the Prophets Mosque. One should say what is ordinarily said upon entering in any other mosque. One should enter first by his right leg and supplicate saying, I seek refuge with the Mighty Allah. I seek protection in His Generous Countenance and His Everlasting Authority against the cursed Devil. In the Name of Allah. O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his family. O Allah! Forgive my sins, and open the gates of Your mercy to me. [Audhu bi-izzatillahi wabi-jalaali waj-hi-llahi minash-shaytaanir-rajeem. Bismillahi Allahumma salli alaa Muhammad wa alaa aalihi. Allumma ighfir-lee waftah-lee abwaaba rahmatika] Visiting the Raudah of the Holy Prophet is a highly rewardable venture for whoever visits Madina. The Raudah is the chamber that houses the bodies of Rasulullah (SAW) and his two Companions, Abubakar Siddiq (RA) and Umar al-Farooq (RA). A visitor should not raise his voice in the Mosque as a sign of politeness with the Messenger of Allah (SAW). Lowering ones voice is also a sign of obedience to the words of the Almighty Allah, O ye who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him in talk, as ye may speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds become vain and ye perceive not. Of those who lower their voices in the presence of Allahs Messenger, their hearts has Allah tested for piety: for them is forgiveness and a great reward. Q49:2-3. Thus, it is a warning to those who raise their voices in the presence of Allahs Messenger that Allah will render their deeds vain and void and will not reward them. This directive applied while he (SAW) was alive and still apply even thereafter. While at the Prophets Grave one should be guided thus: 1- When the visitor finishes the greeting rak`ahs, he should go to the Honored Apartment, face the grave of the Prophet (SAW) and greet him, saying, Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah. Peace be upon you, O the dearest one to Allah. Peace be upon you, O the best of His creation. I bear witness that you indeed have delivered the message (of Allah), discharged your tRAst, advised the Muslim community, and strived hard in the cause of Allah until there came unto you the Hour that is certain. [As-salamu `alayka, ya rasul Allah. As-Salamu `alayka, ya nabi Allah. Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ash-hadu annaka `abduhu wa rasuluh, wa ash-hadu annaka qad ballaghta ar-risalah, wa-addayta al-amanah, wa nasahta al-ummah wa-jahadta fi llahi haqqa jihadih.] 2. Then, he takes a step to the right and greets Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (RA) saying, Peace be upon you, O Abu Bakr. Peace be upon you, O Second of the two who were in the Cave. Peace be upon you, O Successor of Allahs Messenger (SAW). 3. Then, he takes another step to the right and greets Al-FaRAq `Umar (RA) saying, Peace be upon you, O Amir of the Believers. Peace be upon you, O Abu Hafs. Peace be upon you, O Eliminator of Sedition. 4. Then, he faces the Qiblah, with his back to the Honored Apartment, and while leaving a place for others, invokes Allah for his welfare both in this world and in the Hereafter. Apart from the Mosque of the Prophet other areas of history and spirituality in Madinah are: The Quba` Mosque 1- It was the first mosque to be built in Madinah. Allah, the Exalted, praised this Mosque and those who maintained it, There is a Mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on Piety; it is more worthy of thy standing forth [for Prayer] therein. In it are men who love to be purified, and Allah loves those who make themselves pure. Thereupon, the Prophet (SAW) said to them, What is the good thing you are performing in this Mosque that Allah has so highly praised you? They said, We use both stone and water for purification. 2. It has been narrated that the Prophet (SAW) used to ride his camel and visit Quba every Saturday and Monday. The Prophet (SAW) said, Whoever performs ablution at home, then comes to Quba Mosque to perform Prayer therein, will get the reward as for Umrah. 3. It has also been reported that the Prophet (SAW) said, Whoever prays in Quba Mosque on Monday and Thursday is given the reward as for Umrah. Baqi` of Al-Gharqad 1- The term Baqi` signifies soft land void of stones. This is the sort of land in which graves are commonly dug. Madinah has several places of that sort, such as: Baqi` of Al-Zubair, Baqi` of Al-Khail, and others. Allahs Messenger (SAW) went out frequently at night to visit Baqi` Al-Gharqad and to pray for its dwellers. He used to say, Peace be upon you, O abode of Believers or Peace be upon the believing men and women dwelling here. May Allah grant mercy to those from among us who passed away and those who are to come after us. Certainly, Allah willing, we will join you. [As-salamu `alaykum ahla ad-diyyari mina al-Muminina wal-Muslimin, wa inna in sha Allahu bikum lahiqun. Asalullaha lana wa-lakumu al-`afiyah]. 2- It has been narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said, I am the first person for whom the earth will split asunder on the Day of Judgment. This means that I am the first to be resurrected. Then, I, Abu Bakr and `Umar will head for the people of Baqi` who will be resurrected and followed by the people of Makkah”. Some other invocations have been attributed to the Prophet, such as the following: 1. Peace be upon you, O abode of Believers. What you were promised will verily come to you at a fixed time. We shall, Allah willing, join you. O Allah! Grant forgiveness to those who are buried in Baqi` of Al-Gharqad. 2. Peace be upon you, O inhabitants of the graves. May the Almighty Allah forgive us and you all. You are our foreRAnners and we shall certainly join you. 3. Peace be upon you, O abode of Believers. You are our foreRAnners and we will surely join you. O Allah! Do not deprive us of the reward of (supplicating for) them, nor lead us astray after them. Part 2 All Praises are due to Allah the Lord of the worlds. May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the best of His creation and His Confidant, Muhammad (SAW), his family and all his companions. For our Brethren who intend to perform the Hajj, please note that the visit to Madina is not compulsory but very meritorious and also a show of love for the Prophet (SAW). We supplicate for all the intending pilgrims that Allah purifies their hearts and enable them perform an accepted Hajj. As for us who are not on Hajj, may Allah also reward our yearning to perform the Hajj. O servants of Allah! Know that the most precious place in the whole of creation is that chamber where lay the best of Allah’s creation, Muhammad (SAW). If you are privileged to perform Hajj, you will notice that the pilgrim are extremely eager to visit the Raudah and make salam to their beloved Prophet (SAW). This place was not chosen by accident but according to instRAction. When the Prophet, SAW, entered Madinah after his hijrah from Makkah, he was greeted with great enthusiasm by the Ansar of Madinah. The Prophet entered Madinah on his camel while the chieftains of the city stood along his path, each one wishing to have the honour of the Prophet alighting and staying at his house. One after the other stood in the camels way entreating, Stay with us, O Rasulullah. The Prophet would say, Leave the camel. It is under command. The camel continued in this fashion with the people following it until it hesitated at an open space in front of the house of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. But the Prophet, SAW, did not get down. After only a short while, the camel set off again, the Prophet leaving its reins loose. Before long, however, it turned round, retraced its steps and stopped on the same spot as before. Abu Ayyubs heart was filled with happiness. He went out to the Prophet and greeted him with great enthusiasm. He took the Prophets baggage in his arms and felt as if he was carrying the most precious treasure in the world. The Prophet stayed in Abu Ayyubs house for almost seven months until his mosque was completed on the open space where his camel had stopped. He moved to the rooms which were built around the mosque for himself and his family. He thus became a neighbour of Abu Ayyub. This very spot where his house and mosque were built is where the Raudah is. Indeed, it is a located directed by Allah! Imam Malik (RA) said, “Prophet Mohammad (SAW) died on Monday and was buried on Tuesday. Some people suggested that he should be buried near the pulpit. Others suggested Baqi graveyard for his burial. Abu Bakr (RA) said, ‘I have heard from Prophet Mohammad (SAW) that a prophet is buried at that spot where he passes away.’ Hence Prophet Mohammad (SAW) was buried in Aisha’s room.” There are different narrations regarding the order and lay out of the graves of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and his two companions resting in the Sacred Chamber. Most of the scholars have described it as follows. First grave from Qiblah or from the southern wall of the Sacred Chamber is of Prophet Mohammad (SAW). Abu Bakr’s (RA) grave is a bit north of the Prophet’s (SAW) grave in such a way that the head of Abu Bakr (RA) is in line with the shoulders of the Prophet (SAW). Slightly north of it is the grave of Omar (RA) and his head is in line with the shoulders of Abu Bakr (RA). Imam an-Nawawi and many other scholars have used this lay out to guide visitors for salutation to Prophet (SAW) and his companions. An-Nawawi said, “The visitor should face towards the grave with his back towards Qiblah and respectfully offer salutation to the Prophet (SAW). Then move about half a meter to his right and offer salutation to Abu Bakr (RA). Finally move about half meter more to his right and offer salutation to Omar (RA). Shaykh Ahmad Sahirty, head of the embroidery division of the factory that weave the clothing covering the Prophetic Chamber, when asked to describe the Prophetic Chamber as he saw it in the 1970’s, a slight chill stRAck him and coursed through his body. And he said in a faint voice: ‘I believe that the chamber is 11 meters in height. Below the green dome is another dome on which is written: “The tomb of the Prophet, the tomb of Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq, and the tomb of Umar ibn al-Khattab”. And I saw also that there was another tomb that was empty, and next to the four tombs was the room of Sayyida Fatima al-Zahraa, which is the house in which she lived”. As mentioned some hadith and other authentic books there is a spot for a fourth grave in the Sacred Chamber. This is the same spot which Aisha (RA) offered to Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RA). Hafs bin Umar bin Abdur Rahman narrated, “When Abdur Rahman bin Auf (RA) was on his death bed, Aisha (RA) sent him a message that I have kept a spot for you near the Prophet (SAW). Accept it, if you like.” Abdur Rahman (RA) said, “I have heard that you have not removed your veil since Omar (RA) was burried in your room. Furthermore, I do not like to convert the house of the Prophet (SAW) into a cemetery. I have promised Osman bin Mazun (RA) that our graves will be situated close to each other.” (History of Madina-Ibn Shabah). Hence there is a spot for a fourth grave in the Sacred Chamber. Saeed bin Al-Musayyab said, “This is the spot for Isa (AS).” Sayyidina Isa (AS) will be buried in this spot when Allah (SWT) will send him down from the heavens and when he (AS) will die like other human beings. Tirmidhi has mentioned as narrated by Abdullah bin Salam (AS), “The characteristics of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) are described in Old Testament and it is also mentioned there that Isa (AS) will be buried with him”. Abdullah bin Omar (RA) has narrated that Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said, “Isa (AS) will descend to the earth. He will marry and will have children. In this way he will spend forty five years and finally he will die and will be buried with me. On the Day of Judgement. I, Isa (AS), Abu Bakr and Omar will rise from the same site.” O servants of Allah! This Raudah, because of its greatness [derived from the greatness of the occupants] has attracted all kinds of attention. On one extreme are attempts to steal the bodies of the Prophet (SAW) and his companions by enemies of Islam or the misguided Muslims and on the other extreme those who fear that the place is attraction excessive veneration for “the best of creation” and could lead to shirk (polytheism). As for the latter, a course championed by the Wahabi apologist government of Saudi Arabia under the Salafi guise, Policemen have been positioned at the Raudah to hasten people out of the place and prevent them from making supplication there as they consider such act as shirk. O servants of Allah! Know that, in history of Islam, five incidences have been recorded on attempts to steal the bodies of the Prophet (SAW) and his companions. The first recorded incident was at the beginning of fifth century Hijra. Attempt was made to transfer the bodies to Egypt under the orders issued by the 6th Egyptian Fatimid Khalifah, Abu ‘Ali Mansur Thariq al-Hakim (996-1021 CE), also known as al-Hakim bi ‘Amr Allah. Abu Al-Fatuh, the governor of Makkah and Madina, was to carry out this plot. However, Allah unveiled the plot to the people of Madinah who rose against their governor and brought the plan to fail. Al-Hakim bi ‘Amr Allah hatched a second plot but failed again. Ibn Saadoon has reported this in his book that Amr Allah sent some people to carry out his evil plans. These people started residing in a house near the Prophet’s Mosque and started digging an underground tunnel to reach the grave of the Prophet (SAW). During this time, a fearful lightning struck the area and the following voice was heard, announcing very loudly, “Your Prophet’s grave is being dug!” The residents of Madinah rushed out of their houses and started investigating. They got hold of the culprits and killed them all. All of these evil plan of Al-Hakim bi ‘Amr Allah was made in order to attract the attention of the world to Egypt and thus allowing the residents of Egypt to gain great respect. The third attempt was made by the Christians in 557H (1164C). Samhoudi reported that the Christians made this plot very carefully to steal the body of the Prophet (SAW) during the reign of pious ruler of Egypt at that time known as Sultan Nuruddin Zanki. One night after Tahajjud he saw the Prophet (SAW) in his dream. The Prophet (SAW) was pointing out towards two persons of reddish color and saying i.e. save me from these two persons. Nuruddin had this dream three times despite trying to dismiss it. He narrated his dreams to his advisor, Jamal-ud-Din Al-Musali. The advisor said to him, “Why you are sitting here? You should go to Madinah immediately and do not relate your dream to any other person”. Nuraddin got to Madinah with his entourage and gift items. At Madinah, the Sultan’s advisor announced that the Sultan has brought lots of gifts for charity and requested all residents to come out. The Sultan granted a gift to each resident of Madinah turn by turn looking at each recipient very carefully to match the features with those seen in the dreams. Finally Sultan inquired, “Have all the residents visited me?” The answer from the residents was, “Yes, indeed.” Sultan said, “Are you really sure?” People said, “There are two pious Moroccans who do not accept anything from others. They rather feed the needy very generously. They fast regularly. Offer tahajjud and offer salutation to the Prophet (SAW) day and night. They also visit Quba mosque once a week.” Sultan exclaimed, “Subhanallah!”. Sultan then ordered that both of them be brought to him. The Moroccans said, “We are very rich and don’t need charity.” On insistence of the Sultan they were brought to him. Sultan recognized them and asked them, “Where do you come from?” They said, “We are Moroccans. We came here for Hajj and wish to stay here as neighbors of the Prophet (SAW).” The Sultan said, “Why don’t you speak the truth?” At that they kept quiet. Sultan enquired about their residence. Their residence was near the Sacred Chamber (the Raudah). Sultan accompanied them to their residence. He found a lot of expensive goods lying there. Sultan kept roaming around the house alone till he removed an old piece of rug from the floor of the house. He saw a newly dug underground tunnel there leading to the Sacred Chamber. The men got terrified. Sultan said to them, “Now tell me the truth”. They confessed, “We are actually Christians. The King has sent us here as Hajji from Morocco. He gave lot of money to us so that we could remove the body of the Prophet. In order to achieve our goal we started residing in this house nearest to the Sacred Chamber. We dig underground tunnel at night and carry the mud in Moroccan bags to Baqee cemetery and spread the mud around the graves. When we reached near the Sacred Chamber a very fearful lightning struck and an earthquake shook the earth. Now you have arrived and caught us. We confess that we were about to commit the crime.” The Sultan ordered the execution of these criminals. He thanked Allah (SWT) who chose him to discover the plot. After this third plot, Sultan Nuruddin ordered to dig a deep trench around the Sacred Chamber. He filled this trench with molten lead. In this way nobody will ever be able to reach the graves through underground tunnels. The fourth attempt happened in 578H. Ibn Jubair said, “On 29th Dhul-Qada 578H, I arrived in Alexandria during my excursion tour of Egypt. We left Alexandria on the 8th of Dhul-Hijja. We saw there that a very big crowd of people came out of their homes to see the Roman Christian prisoners. These prisoners were brought to the city on camels with their faces towards the tails of the camels. Bugles were being blown and other music was being played around them. We enquired about these prisoners. We were given a detailed picture of their cruel activities, which was as follows: “The Christians of Syria built some boats near Mediterranean sea and transported these boats on the backs of camels to the bank of the sea. There they equipped the boats for war activities. They then set out in the sea with these boats and plundered the caravans of pilgrims for Makkah. When they reached river Naam where they burnt sixteen boats of other people. Then they reached Eizab and captured a caravan of pilgrims coming from Jeddah. Similarly they overpowered a caravan which was traveling from Qaus towards Eizab and killed all the people. Two boats of traders were coming from Yemen with food grain for Makkah and Madina. They burnt the storage of this food grain. They carried out many such evil activities. Their most treacherous plan was to remove the body of the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) from the Sacred Chamber. They announced it boldly and started heading towards Madina. When they were about one day’s journey away from Madina, the famous Hajib Luhluh came with a few Moroccan youths who were expert in sea warfare. They arrested these Christians and killed some of them then and there. They also sent some of these prisoners to other cities to be put to sword. Some prisoners were sent to Makkah and Madina. The prisoners whom we saw were brought to Alexandria. In this way Allah (SWT) saved his Prophet (SAW) from these criminals.” At-Tabari, the famous historian, has described it as follows: “The ruler of Madinah said to Sawab (the gatekeeper of the Prophet’s mosque) that “Some people will knock at the door of the Prophet’s Mosque at night. Open the door for them and let them do what they want to do. Don’t interfere in anyway.’ After salat-ul-Isha the doors of Prophet’s Mosque were closed as usual. Shortly afterwards, somebody knocked at the door known as Bab Salam. Sawab opened the door. Forty people entered the mosque, he was counting them one by one. They had equipment to demolish buildings and were carrying torches with them. They were heading towards the Sacred Chamber. They had not yet even reached the pulpit when the earth split under their feet and they were buried with their equipment then and there. There was no sign left about their presence on the surface of the earth.” Samhoudi said, “Abu Mohammad Abdullah Margani has also described this plot briefly in the History of Madina. He has, however mentioned that the number of these people was fifteen or twenty and they were swallowed by the earth when they had gone only a few steps towards the Sacred Chamber.” O servants of Allah! Shocking news filtered into the public domain last week to the effect that the Saudi government is making efforts to relocate the bodies of the Holy Prophet and the two companions from the Masjid to Baqi cemetery to prevent the Muslims from committing shirk at the site through excessive veneration. This was said to be based on a research recommendation by a leading Saudi academic, Dr. Ali bin Abdulaziz al-Shabal, of Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh. However, the government of Saudi Arabia has dismissed the report describing it as an opinion of a researcher. A Saudi newspaper, Saudi Gazette, reported that “What is being circulated in the media about the chamber where the Prophet’s grave is situated at the Prophet’s Mosque is related to a special study carried out by a researcher”. so there is cause for all Muslims to speak against this evil. These overzealous people should be taught history of those who had attempted evil against the body of the beloved Prophet (SAW) in the past and what there ends were. They should take note that as they make their plans, Allah (SWT) is also making His plans. “They were plotting and Allah too was plotting and Allah is the Best plotter” (Q8:30). In addition, they should not lose sight of Allah’s promise to His Messenger- “And Allah will protect you from the people and Allah guides not the people who disbelieve” (Q5:67). We are certain that Allah will fulfill his promise to His Messenger (SAW). On this note, we supplicate: O Allah, we pray that You grant us forgiveness, health, and exemption from evil forever in the Religion (of Islam) in this world and in the hereafter. We also beseech You for Your pleasure and the pleasure of Your Prophet (pbuh), the pleasure of the religious scholars, and the pleasure of the parents. O Allah, grant what we desire among what You wish; and make our choice be among Your own choices; and do not direct our plight to anyone except you. Our Lord, the Creator of the universe, diSAWsociate us from every wrong doer, and reward everyone that is good to us and bless them abundantly for us. O Allah, cast trouble, hunger and blame away from us and guard us against calamities that no one except You can forestall. Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of fire. Our Lord, punish us not if we forget or fall into error; Our Lord, lay not on us a burden like that which You laid on those before us; Our Lord, put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Patron. And give us victory over the disbelieving people. Wassalamun alal mursaleen walhamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 07:51:31 +0000

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