KINDNESS TO A CAT. I was walking along a sidewalk one night - TopicsExpress


KINDNESS TO A CAT. I was walking along a sidewalk one night and saw a car start up and drive away. I couldnt see the registration plate in the dark but where they left from the corner, there was a little gray female kitten. I picked it up seeing it was hungry and took it home, it became a pet for me since I lived alone. I gave it milk and food and it ate voraciously. The kitten grew up and became a mother cat that gave me four kittens to which I found homes and gave them away. Mittens as the mother was called, went out the front on the footpath to play with other cats but for few nights in a row, some old sadist was coming with a black sedan, parking few meters down the road and watching the cat. I didnt know what he was up to until one night, the cat went out, there was a roar of a car engine as the old thing started up and a loud boof just as I came to the street. the thing hit the cat, smashed its scull and at the same time, threw the cat half way over the intersection as he sped up and ran for his life. I couldnt see his number plate in the dark. I ran on the road, picked up the cat, it was still breathing but barley because both her eyes were bulging out of her eye sockets. I thought of taking it to the vet but it started convulsing and died in my arms. Just then, I started crying because the cats death had a hard impact on me. I phoned the R.S.P.C.A but nothing was done about the incident because I could not supply the registration number. The old thing who killed the cat must have had a thrill about it because he never came around again.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:19:21 +0000

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