Kairos (the perfect,delicate,crucial moment,the fleeting rightness - TopicsExpress


Kairos (the perfect,delicate,crucial moment,the fleeting rightness of time and place that crates the oppportune atmoshphere for action,words,or movement also,weather . )Entrusted to serve,it it strikingly evidence that Pro and Contra of Joko Widodo or his well-known Jokowi who run for presidency in general election which fall on april 9 and july 9 where it had been trending topic in Mass media such as : newspaper,magazine and so on which render me to depict him as candidate presidency in the future. There is no gainsaying the fact that as the Governor of Jakarta,Jokowi had been show new breakthough to bring the capital city to be better sustainably especially the former Governor who has background education higher than him cannot render Jakarta to tackle grave consternation and as if He behave as leader who be indifferent concercning Jakarta Residence grievance where Jokowi planning alongside Ahok as running mate offer antidote to hammer out myriads of complaints of residents. by doing so,such new hope emerge to attain better circumstance than previously so that predominantly Jakarta residence have penchant to defy Jokowi as the best leader who will out them from both quandaries and predicament as soon as possible Let alone, based on His track record at the time he was assumed office as Solo Mayor where he is bestowed as which of them the best major in the world.Such great achievment serve as crutch to pave his way to attract the attentiion of the people who miss wish leader to lead this nation.It is undeniable that Jokowi as leader that promote Blusukan (Impromptu visit ) to keep his people watch sustainably. Hence, in my opinion Jokowi have terrific repution before the public beyond doubt so that all of people outside in Jakarta woefully urged Megawati as chairman The Indonesian Democratic Party – Struggle (PDI-P) to appoint him as president candidate who representative her parties explicitly ,yet it is incomprehensible that Her desicion make a blunder which have inclination to ruin her subordinate inasmuch as in other region cornucopia of people stage a demonstration to inveighing against Jokowi to run for presidency on July 9 . in Jakarta the demonstrator even had been pripping train tiket with destination Jakarta – solo in favor of evicting action 53-years-old man out from Jakarta.they have subterfuge that Jokowi just rags concerning promise render Jakartaa residence to be both prosperous and welfare . in a short, in my opinion personally, I will bolster Jokowi as a the next President as we have to give his chance to strutt his stuff as the One in this nation .Honestly,Jokowi had been inspired me to work frenitcally and do not focus on abiding the rules.Only with breaking the rules are we going to pour the best nation out conspicuously .Indonesia Indonsia,I am proud of be Indonesia people
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 09:58:00 +0000

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