Kandamath Manayilvalappil Venugopalan 4 - TopicsExpress


Kandamath Manayilvalappil Venugopalan 4 mins presstv.ir/.../us-diplomacy-playing-double-game/ ..Reports are circulating which suggest that ISIS’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was trained by the Israeli Mossad in psychological warfare; that he is essentially an actor playing the role of “Islamic radical.” It wouldn’t be the first time a Zionist asset posed as an Islamic radical in order to blacken the name of Islam. Shortly after 9/11 an American Jew named Adam Pearlman started calling himself Adam Gadahn. He grew a scary Islamic beard and then allegedly joined al-Qaeda, becoming the group’s “spokesman” and PR man. Gadahn appeared in numerous menacing al-Qaeda videos preaching “jihad” against America, but his cover was blown when an Orange County newspaper revealed him to be the grandson of a prominent Zionist who sat on the Board of Directors of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, Zionism’s main Hasbara propaganda arm in the US. ISIS’s true intention, many claim, is to incite sectarian divide in Israel’s neighbouring states, thereby advancing Tel Aviv’s Oded Yinon plan for the balkanizing and fracturing of its regional foes. Is it any coincidence that ISIS and its affiliates have targeted Libya, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon with the most furor, while leaving the corrupt, US-backed dictatorships in Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc. alone. Not to mention ISIS’s complete lack of action against Israel or the US. Regarding the current manufactured crises in Syria and Iraq, the mainstream media presents viewers with nonsensical and inconsequential debates about “moderate” and “extremist” rebel fighters, as if there is such a thing as a “moderate” rebel who is nonetheless armed to the teeth and attempting to overthrow a sovereign state through force of arms...
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 18:03:24 +0000

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