Kenan wrote this poem for Goosey in celebration of her 83rd - TopicsExpress


Kenan wrote this poem for Goosey in celebration of her 83rd birthday! Happy Birthday, Mom! You are loved and adored by so many, not least of all the two of us. My Virtuous Woman By Kenan Kerr July 16, 2014 For Goosey on the joyful occasion of her 83rd birthday with love “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” -Proverbs 31:10 The “Virtuous Woman” praised in Proverbs Never much impressed me For rubies are valuable, But not priceless— Did the Virtuous Woman Dry tears? Did she rock babies (not necessarily her own)? And wipe runny noses? Did she mend broken hearts? She wears fine linen— But does she advise her daughters, “Don’t worry about ironing it. If Jackie Kennedy wears her linen with wrinkles, so can we!” She gives to the needy and the poor. But does she love them, Without want of recognition or praise? Much is made Of her worth to her husband But can she withstand heartbreak, Raising a family on her own? And withstand it again (in fact, many times over,) With love still to share. She has strength and honor But what about grit, a sense of humor, resilience, grace? Of his Virtuous Woman, Solomon wrote— “Her tongue is the law of kindness” But of my Virtuous Woman, I say— “Her very life is the law of kindness.” She “works with willing hands” To plant flowers, cut biscuits, Give bathes, wrap packages, Scrub floors, Ice cakes (With quarters inside!) Build sandcastles, Change diapers (of the young and the old). She digs in the dirt, Kisses toads Reveres trees, Sits in the sun, Basking in the holiness Of the natural world. She provides food “for her household” But also for the grieving, the sick, and the infirm Fried chicken and potato salad Chocolate pies with meringue so beautiful, It could make you weep Because, remember: “We eat with our eyes first!” As with Solomon’s Virtuous Woman She does not eat “the bread of idleness” In fact, she refuses it. Devoting her time in the service of others Always. She can laugh at the time to come And laugh still at the times that have been Joy never escapes her. She clings to it. And we cling to her. We, her children, her grandchildren, her friends, Her patients, Indeed, all those who know her, and thus, Love her— Rise up and call her blessed!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:59:36 +0000

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