Kevin had a very smooth evening all night. His heart rate, blood - TopicsExpress


Kevin had a very smooth evening all night. His heart rate, blood pressure and temp are all normal and all on his own. They also were able to reduce his oxygen back down, which is critical for them to move forward to the next surgery. He is very responsive when he is awake while they check on him. He can hear, see, and recognizes me just fine. It was validated with his smile when I told him to stop talking. He is very sedated about 95% of the time to keep him still, calm and rested for his surgery. As most of you know, he is never still. He is moving in the right direction again, but it is hour by hour. We are riding this positive wave as long as we can. Kevin being alive is miracle. The ICU surgeon said to me in his 27 years, he has only used this word 4x. Kevin is the 5th. He said because of his will for us, strength, health, fitness, God and his care, he has made it through the unthinkable. His weight training, green drinks and not smoking cigarettes daily played a very large role in this. The care at this hospital is unbelievable. He has the best of the best right now. Friends put together a playlist of Kevins favorites so he will be listening softly to RUSH later today. I am meeting with the surgeon this afternoon and scheduled an appointment to meet with the EVAC crew that brought him in to give them the most gracious hug. Ill update more after his surgery. Thank you everyone. All of your thoughts, prayers are so appreciated and are being heard right now.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:52:56 +0000

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