LETTER WRITING WEEK IN REVIEW. SHARING WENDY MARENCIKS AWESOME LETTER: Enough! If you voted for Glenda Ritz to be Indiana’s educational leader, it is time to be outraged and speak out against the chicanery among our state board, legislators, and Governor Pence. They have continually attempted to usurp her power since taking office and she has been bullied openly in state board meetings. The state board vindictively took action against Ritz while she was out of country stating concerns about the delays in releasing A-F grading results. As you may recall, there were some significant problems with this system that deserved thorough investigation. Honestly, we should be questioning whether relying on this tainted accountability system is even responsible? Do we believe it accurately represents our schools? Three major school systems in the state sensibly decided to reject this flawed system. Ask your schools what they believe. Predictably, the plan will be to paint Ritz with the familiar “you failed” brush splattered on our public schools to justify “take over” of her power. We voted for an educator to represent us, not politicians whose opinions have been compromised by money and hegemony. These “reforms” and “takeovers” have not proven effective and will continue to contribute to poverty by institutionalizing classism. Children with the greatest poverty and the most severe disabilities cannot “choose” these schools without transportation or programs to support them. Glenda has consistently promoted responsible assessment and equity of resources to better serve all children. Don’t let them squeezed her out. Let them know your vote mattered. Wendy Marencik
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 11:49:44 +0000

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