LOCAL FOOD IS THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR OUR ECONOMY Choosing local food also contributes to our provincial economy and helps BC’s 20,000 farms stay in business. When we buy a local food product, the producer receives a higher percentage of our food dollar (and at a farmers’ market or on-farm store, 100%!) This money is then circulated many times throughout our communities, strengthening our local economies. How does this happen? Most local food is sold either directly to the retailer or restaurant or via one local distributor. This not only supports our local businesses but also keeps a larger percentage of our food dollars in our province, rather than profits going to out-of-province, out-of-country, and international distributors and transportation companies. What about foods processed in British Columbia with imported ingredients? Choosing to buy a product that is processed locally, even if the ingredients are imported, also helps our economy. Ask questions about the products you regularly buy and find out how knowledgeable the processor is about their ingredients and where they come from. There are BC processors who often source as many local ingredients as possible and source elsewhere when necessary. They employ a large number of people here in our province and can be very knowledgeable about their ingredients and employ a high standard of food safety. Get to know your food. What about farmland protection? The very soil that food is grown on is vital to BC’s agricultural economy. Eating locally grown food supports our farmers and protects our precious farmland by keeping itin production. We need to protect our farmland from development and we need to “grow” farmers. In British Columbia, the median age of a farmer in 2007 was 57 years. This means that many farmers are set to retire in the near future and viable opportunities are needed to engage the next generation into succession. It is crucial that market demand for locally grown food is strong enough to encourage a new crop of farmers and that they are able to confidently grow for the domestic market. Can we really do this? Yes! Get Local and together, we can create a healthy food system for future generations of British Columbians. Reprinted from Farm Folk City Folk. Eat Local and Live Healthy with 8 1/2 Acres!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 18:24:31 +0000

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