LONG POST but so worth the read! I finally made it home to - TopicsExpress


LONG POST but so worth the read! I finally made it home to NY; it was late when we arrived but this is what Im blessed to wake up to! This beautiful sunrise started around 530am and became the most beautiful movie right before my eyes--honestly Im in tears just thinking about the beauty thats been put here on earth for our enjoyment. It pales in comparison to the value of our lives and what Im about to share! (I wanted to do a video, and will, but have been wiped out by this 6 slice in my belly--lol--and Im trying very hard to be a good girl and rest) I have to thank you all for your heartfelt words of encouragement. The day after surgery, Peter was chastising me for being on my phone. When I showed him what I was looking at, all your comments, it was like opening a basket full of cards that just arrived to the hospital. Ill be honest a few years ago I wasnt so sure about this Facebook thing and everyone sharing their life story....wrong and judgmental on my part, (again). If we embrace the good in everything (because theres always good in everything) it far outweighs our negative thoughts! This illness has been such a shining example of that. Let me explain.... I learned of my kidney tumor August 21st, 6:06pm. I didnt want to share with anyone...but as the weeks progressed and I went into resolution mode, I began to see Gods plan. I saw all he was teaching, not just on navigating a cancer diagnosis but also on understanding my mind and soul. I solicited the prayers of literally thousands of connections around the country. See if youve followed my adventures you probably know Ive been traveling and making some incredible friends from CA to NY, Canada and overseas. Isnt it strange that this is the year God has me dealing with the disease that took my moms life. This year where Ive connected with even more FB friends who can support me and pray for me. I began to learn even deeper the power of prayer and a peace came over me the last couple of months that was not me. Many of you think Im brave but the truth is Im a worrier and scared to death of failure and of leaving this world before my time (like mom). But through these couple of months that all changed and can only be attributed to what I call the GRACE of God. I literally was singing on my way to the operating room! Talking to Sara Ann next to me and trying to calm her fears. No question I did my homework. I visited 5 surgeons in the northeast, analyzed hospitals, nurses and cure rates. Every one of them told me the same thing as did the reports of the 6 scans I had; Your tumor is consistent with renal cell carcinoma. Yes theres a 1-5% chance its something else but we see these tumors all the time! (it doesnt take my accounting degree to know thats not a very big chance). I was scared, Peter wasnt buying it was cancer! I did refuse to call it anything but a stupid tumor. Well HERES THE MIRACLE---the results are in and my kidney tumor is a VERY rare BENIGN tumor. Its a direct result of the Power of Prayer and YOU ALL are part of my miracle. I am grateful for the journey because I learned soooo much and I know the direction for my life. I am obligated to continue my work to help others with body mind and soul challenges that we all face every day and am so honored to be chosen to do this! Im here for a purpose and so are YOU! Please dont ever hesitate to reach out if I can help you or someone you love. Again, much love and thanks for all you kind words and support. I will continue to share what Ive learned so stay tuned.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:03:05 +0000

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