LOVE - IS THE ANSWER - TO ALL OUR PRAYERS. EMBRACE YOUR HEART. LOVE THE UPS AND THE DOWNS GRATITUDE MAHALO - IS ALOHA. SHARE - SHARE - SHARE. - MALAMA MAU. Edmond Young: The Power Of Love Vs. Greed and Money If you now feel a pull toward love, compassion, giving, never taking, receiving, helping or nurturing something never to worry because many around the globe are feeling the same powerful pull. I engaged last week in a worldwide channeling conference call connecting with like souls in Peru, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Europe, NY, South America and other worldly locations as we too feel the strong pull toward humanity and earth. I dont see this a gimmick and instead its no joke or laughing matter today and if it really were full of shit theres no way Id have the balls to come out and write like this. We have to use our intelligence know whats right from wrong and to know that part of our quest in this life is to disseminate what the naked eye cant see! So how do you do that? Start by trusting your gut listening to your soul. Go to the pull. Take on something genuine related to giving or caregiving because we all do it anyways and just now its ever so important that we try to help the many souls yearning for help today or just for someone to hear them. The feminine forces are on us kind of like this tune that speaks of the Sacred Virgin In Heaven by Auntie Helen Desha Beamer and performed elegantly by my Uncle Cyrus Green whom possessed an angelic voice. My Uncle Cyrus was a very big man yet he had such a warm and soft heart and I use to watch him greet many visitors and dignitaries with such beautiful English language of the Kings while able to pump out Hawaiian words in the very same elegant manner. Helen Desha Beamer was a scholar and part of her message was to master language; Hawaiian and English. How we can too document special moments through music composition and similar wishes by Queen Liliuokalani that expected us Hawaiians to always lead with love or Aloha and to become scholar too so we can better understand the world and articulate our challenges orally and via written words masterfully to provide the most detailed accounts of our many struggles, concerns and the way forward to heal and restore our Kingdom. She is an example of a feminine force in my culture that no one is offended about like me taking orders from a Lady. Heck, most of all my cultural teachings were all from women starting with my Auntie Fancy Opiopio whom introduced me to music, cooking, good foods and Auntie Sadie Young, Auntie Miriam Hosea, Auntie Honey Matson, Mrs. Milne and so many other great life teachers. Yeah I had male figures yet the woman are way more articulate in their messages and somehow more pure and clean. I dont dare turn my ear off from a womans wisdom young or old. My youngest daughter had some suggestions for my about not letting the little things bother me that I did let get to me and instead of being a dick and saying yeah, yea , yeah I said, you know Tati, you are right! Being with my Mom so much as a kid I was always around these feminine forces and sometimes I admit I got sick of their shit and gossip yet I learned a lot about Baking through eaves dropping! LOL OMG I use to hear all this Gossip that sometimes made me nuts! LOL I hear the old color of the east was red and for good reason......war, control, killing, greed, power, monies and trickery symbolizes Red to some and today we are bound by the color Black of the west with the Feminine forces upon us now with huge surges now to compassion, healing, sharing, giving, love, helping, community and all those things inclusive for all. Unity In Diversity and not the Good Ole Boy Club. We are going to destroy that club mentality and throw all these bad souls in a box and let them fester and destroy one another through Character bashing and throwing pebbles like whiny brats! LOL They are going to get isolate so quick really soon and we are seeing it now! hahahahaha LOL You are going down MOFO! The red force is still trying yet dying off fast trying to pit human against human is what many of our Politicians are doing today. You are getting squashed too! As we unite, we will overcome and destroy all the bad intentions and we have time on our side while we dissect the shit out of their lame plans and make one or two Chess like moves and put them in Checkmate where they cant make the next move. Its happening today. We are so on to the political game and trickery today thanks to many scholars and the tide has turned! LOL It stems from love. Very simple as the only defeat to war is through love. Dont ever under estimate the power of love! Yesterday it was the power of money! No more! Our money is tainted. Its dirty. Its weak. Its artificial. Its is the root of much Evil today. Money, Money, Money! I dont involve myself with anyone whom worships money and have no respect for their sneaky money making schemes either yet one by one they all are getting their due and many jumping buildings committing suicide unable to deal with a whole lot less in Banking; they are shaking like a leaf many and scared of separation from big money will to go out a steal it! You dont earn One Million Dollars. You steal it! Lets focus today on all those stealing and screwing up many souls and their Ohanas. This cant go on without a fight. What we can do immediately is to identify these folks in our circles, call them out, get their true colors flushed out and their feelings out it the open with pointed questions and kick them to the curb one by one & out of our circle because they are like a disease that takes no prisoners and they dont give a rats ass on whom they rob blind. The insurance companies too are right in the heart of all this stealing! They are no good and many are still stealing! With unity and loving the hurting souls we can in time overcome this via love using or gifts of music and the power of sound to produce that kind of positive outcome to help all. Many are hurting because of the Wall Street stealing and trickery that is alive and well even after the bail out. Dont dare let Wall Street nor The Insurance Companies off the hook and like 911 we can never forget our own Americans robbing other Americans Blind! Thats bullshit! Wakeup! Dont you dare align yourself with the crooks of the 21st century. Ever since the American Mafia was cut down all these other clowns now appear. I think we need the American Mafia back to curb politicians and control these out of control bankers and rob them too by demanding weekly payments since they are up to no good. Al Capone knew about the crooked Cops and Politicians and he let it be known and we can see all the bullshit he was trying to tell everyone about yet we all thought the politicians and cops were sacred and only Al Capone the only Bad Guy! LOL Whos the Bad Guy now eh? You know! The Cops, The Bankers. The Politicians............Its all come to a head! The Truth Prevails! They dont say too much about Bankers committing suicide frequently jumping off buildings, bridges and crushed by their separation from big easy monies yet they are falling like flies! Why? They know they did wrong and continue to do so and cant live with the truth. The more the truth gets the better for the majority and out with the minority. Love is the way. To Aloha. Uncle Cyrus Green has showed us singer and musicians of a gentle way to deliver our own music & its so cool to hear his tune and be able to inflect my voice similar to his like on this tune because I had heard him sing this over and over in the past just that I forgot completely in memory yet when the song played, it trigger deep thought extracting that old feeling captured so many years ago. The power of sound is so very powerful and the most influential of all the natural physical forces and why it can be such a powerful healing mechanism. Even though you may think in your mind that your music is not perfect, thats OK because it sill can lift many sous when you glow aloha while performing. Hoping you share your music away from the stages and dont just play for money! Share your God given talents and not focus so much on money; its the damn root of all evil! Wishing for you an awesome weekend in the monster light! The light you shine! With Aloha, Ed Aloha is the way. Loving Light shared with no intention of receiving anything. Give the shit away! Dont worry or complain. Give your Aloha away!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 18:00:43 +0000

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