{LOVE NEVER DIE BUT LOVERS DIE} before civilwar of somalia - TopicsExpress


{LOVE NEVER DIE BUT LOVERS DIE} before civilwar of somalia there, was agirl who was my neighbour she was abeautiful queen her long neck with double-chine her black hair knotted back formed the other part of the body was pecular the way her flucluating walk stalking as Apeacock, in afull having sprean every an he looked stisfaied, oh! In iam say its the one who indicated in our holy quran, one day afternoon when she cone back from shopping icome across suddenly i greated and received my greating cordically after alitte peaurs iforwarded my proposal my love with out hesitation, she accepted my proposal from that day our love was harndening day after finally we decided to to present our love to our parents soon the elders met and discussed the issue they reached to betroth me the girl the wedding should be with in two mouths, one day the sorrowfull day she went to marker for shopping Aheavy loaded lorry with yellow maize knocked her down and die at the spot on heavy the the panic news all at once the sense of my body fainted and becouse comma for weeks there after Ireaslised love never die bu lovers die my nimbuzz is maxamed_love-143 and hotmail is maxamedcade30@live i my self ihave alot stories for you especially those who were using facebook,hotmail, and nimbuzz also iam going to conclude my speech I say to you both boys and girls let us co-oprate each other. Although the time is not suitble for me Goodby I wish you the best
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 06:38:41 +0000

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