Ladies, this post is for you. I want to share a moment in my- - TopicsExpress


Ladies, this post is for you. I want to share a moment in my- not too distant past - where I felt so incredibly vulnerable, but where that vulnerability made me stronger than I had felt for a very long time. I was at a goal setting workshop with dear life, i love you hosted by Maria Kritikos. I went to this workshop with the very transparent goals of being a better business woman, making more money, having success - yadda yadda. There is nothing WRONG with any of these goals, in fact they are positive. But they are standard, and deemed acceptable - to myself anyway. The one true goal that kind of snuck up on me in that workshop, was one that I was pretty familiar with inside of myself, but not one that I really shared with too many of my colleagues. And why was that? I was ashamed of it. Yes - I was ashamed of this goal, and this dream that I held very close to my heart, yet never spoke clearly about with anyone. What could this shame inducing, scary goal possibly be? It must be pretty horrific right? Well, quite simply it was this: I wanted a true love partner. One I could share life, home and heart with. One who would give to me as much as I gave out. One that would provide balance, stability, joy and dear, sweet friendship. I was dreaming of my life companion. Why would this cause shame? Because in my single mom, business savvy, Intelligent,independent woman world - I felt this was a silly goal to have. Well, I took a risk that day. And I shared this goal with the other beautiful, independent, Intelligent business savvy women in the room. Through a shaking body, tearful eyes, and scared voice I let this secret out. To my absolute surprise I was greeted with overwhelming support and applause for me. APPLAUSE. I was dumbstruck. But, at the same time I instantly knew WHY this had resonated so deeply with those incredible women. They all shared my desire, my need for deep connection, for companionship for Love. They all understood intimately my vulnerability, my fear, my risk. And they deeply appreciated that I chose to be incredibly vulnerable and share my truth with them. You see the truth - no matter WHAT it is, is where all of your amazing power lies. A truth may feel shameful, may seem wrong, may seem silly. But if it is YOUR truth, it is powerful beyond measure. So, in this twofold message I need to share - Ladies, there is nothing wrong with dreaming of this connection with another. It is the most basic of human needs and desires. Especially as you grow and evolve, having another by your side is a beautiful, beautiful thing. And - your truth - the world needs it. Nothing is as shameful, silly and as horrible as you think it is. Your truth is like a serum to the rest of us. It frees us from our self induced prisons of self doubt. After I made that speech, my dear, sweet true love partner - one I could share life, home and heart with - one who would give to me as much as I gave out. One that would provide balance, stability, joy and dear, sweet friendship, my life companion - found his way to my door. Pretty much just hours after I let out my dirty shameful secret. In fact, I shared this same dirty secret with him, because I was feeling brave. That secret, found its way to HIS heart, and to HIS dreams. Could you imagine if I had never let it out? I guess there really IS something to this affirming, speaking out and owning goals thing. Whoda thunk? Take the Risk Ladies - take the risk.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 06:41:56 +0000

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