Larvicide for Dengue prevention SCIENTIFIC JOKE OF THE - TopicsExpress


Larvicide for Dengue prevention SCIENTIFIC JOKE OF THE CENTURY Recently announced larvicide for dengue prevention is a great insult to science. 1. Prevention of Dengue Fever is not about a product to kill larvae of the Aedes is about whether one can identify each and every location where the larva is, which is manly impossible, so larva will be there always in place one cannot detect. 2. Killing the larvae will interfere with the ecological balance and there will be other environment negative impacts in the eco- system. 3. Dengue is not about mosquitoes but our own immunity. With high immunity no virus can penetrate and the pathogenesis will not take place. Instead of improving and optimizing immunity, we stupidily want to kill the babies of the mosquitoes. 4. Worst of all, MOSTI has given them more than 3 million grant to kill baby mosquitoes. 5. We will see how they can kill all the mosquitoes and their larvae, see the epidemic coming and going. 6. Some corrupt practice have taken place in MOSTI..with 30 - 50% kick back. With a worthless product it can kill larvae in the lab, not all the larvae in the environment. Kindly disseminate this article wherever you want to....wrongful doings must be exposed.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 05:06:35 +0000

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