Last night Gary took over the computer to make a comment about - TopicsExpress


Last night Gary took over the computer to make a comment about Jane Fonda when she went to North Vietnam during the Vietnam war. Most people know about Hanoi Jane getting her picture taken on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun that shot down and killed American pilots. However he went on to mention how the North Vietnamese paraded American POWs in front of her for her to inspect. These POWs had been listed as MIAs so they took tiny scraps of paper and put their social security numbers on them and as they shook hands with her they pressed them into her hands. Thinking when she gets back to America she can show these papers so that the families will know that their family members are alive. Instead she gave the papers to the Vietnamese commander, and after she left the POWs were beaten so badly that one died. Later someone posted that the story wasnt true. So this morning Gary googled Jane fonda in North Vietnam with the POWs, and the full stories were there. Names, ranks all there. So for you that are unaware of Ms. Fonda and her betraying the POWs you can google this and see for yourself. It is I must warn you a lot of reading from the POWs themselves.
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 01:33:11 +0000

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