Last night at The Skirrid Inn was quite an interesting - TopicsExpress


Last night at The Skirrid Inn was quite an interesting night. Before wed even started the vigils, two of our staff saw (independently of each other) a man size figure in the doorway of bedroom 1. One of them described him as wearing a long coat and black boots. Two staff also saw a white flash appear at dog height in the same doorway. Our medium, Sheila, also witnessed a black cat walking up the stairs heading towards the attic. During the vigils, Bedroom 1 saw a group contact a child spirit followed by one who claimed to be Judge Jeffreys during a table tipping session. The table was rocking and spinning quite dramatically. Another group in this room had a lot of personal contact for our guests. A female spirit who claimed to be looking for her Husband was also contacted in bedroom 1. Bedroom 2 gave some great dowsing rod activity and a torch that appeared to be moved! The spirit whom the group connected with claimed to be a male, name of Da, aged 50. The group (by asking appropriate questions) learnt that he was murdered - stabbed in the stomach - in 1550 and that he was buried in the local cemetery (without a surname this could take some researching). Our K2 meter also seemed to be reacting to this gentlemans presence. The group tried talking to the same spirit by using the wooden planchette and when the group mentioned the well known barmaid Fanny Price, the planchette moved very strongly. Our other group made contact with a young girl in this room who said she had followed them from Room 1. The Bar and family room area again gave us mostly contact activity, including that of a man called Tom who was hung for stealing a horse. One group also made a connection with a spirit calling himself Dewi. Dewi is reported to have died in a car crash near The Skirrid Inn in 1941. Strangely, some members of the group talking to Dewi reported a drop in temperature by the fire. Several members of this group also heard noises in the bar as if someone was walking about in there - similar sounds were heard by another group later in the evening. In the restaurant, one team believe that Judge Jeffreys joined them again. He claimed that he wasnt as evil as people said he was. He also told the group that there were more than 40 spirits at The Skirrid Inn! All of the above, along with the unexplained movement of some chains, several strange noises and bumps and bangs made for a good night at one of our favourite venues. Once again, we were joined by a lovely group of guests - thank you all for joining us :)
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 16:26:19 +0000

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