Last one for the night. Manuia Le Po #Lilcub ONE LIE TOO - TopicsExpress


Last one for the night. Manuia Le Po #Lilcub ONE LIE TOO MANY PART 17 Fay, Bernie and I made our way down town for dinner and shopping, Fay could tell something was wrong, I told her what happended and she was in absolute shock. That night heading home on the bus all i could think about was what should i do? ... Fay and i caught the same bus home, shes that friend that makes everyone laugh without trying to be funny lol shes just really blonde lol im always left with a sore stomach and teary eyes when im with her. Not once did i think about what happened when i was with her until we got to her stop, after she left i started to miss him, i had my phone off the whole evening, i just needed a break from him... walking through the house door dad told me Taylor had been blowing up the landline since 7pm asking if Ive arrived home yet, i charged my phone then went for a shower only to find so many missed calls/ txts/ facebook messages all saying the same thing please call me im worried im sorry and where the hell are u In a way i felt happy that he was blowing up my phone with messages, it was the longest i hadnt responded to any of his messages. As i was about to head to bed my phone rung again, and Yes u guessed it, it was Taylor. Taylor: Babe!!! where were u, i was worried something happened, you ok? Me: why u worried for? u know where i was Taylor: oh i didnt think it would take that long Me: sorry i made u worried but im at home now Taylor: Yeah i know, i rung your landline when u were in the shower and Sam said u were in the shower. Im sorry about before, i miss u and seeing u cry just made me realise how much im afraid of losing u and how much i love u, dammit i love u so much i just cant see my life without u, baby im so sorry. Me: hey! dont worry about it i missed u too and thats all in the past now, but i do have one thing to ask of u Taylor: Yes baby anything Me: DONT! and i mean DONT ever put me through that ever again! i never wanna feel betrayed like that ever again, Im giving u another chance so please dont make me regret it. Taylor: I promise u babe from the bottom of my heart i will never put u through that again. Just like that everything was fine again, we did everything together, we went everywhere together, we were so in love it was just something so special i cant explain how happy i was and thought nothing can ever come between us ever again.... oh so i thought... Later that year i found out through his sister that his ex he was with was pregnant with his child, omg i thought i was going to die!! apparently she wasnt going to tell him but because his exs sister is bestfriends with Taylors older sister she found out and had to tell his parents and me. When she gave birth there were rumors going on saying that she slept with Taylors cousin Nick a while ago at a drink up they all attended (this was way before meeting me so it i couldnt get angry cause it happened before my time) I felt so sorry for my poor Taylor, he did not know how to deal with it. I helped him through it all just by being there for him. After that was sorted we went back to our normal routines of going out on dates and seeing each other on a daily basis, he made the decision of not wanting anything to do with the ex and the baby, i supported him regardless of what he wanted. Nearer to the end of that year, i became really ill, i would also feel tired and always had a really bad headache which caused so much pain, one day heading home from work i couldnt bare the pain so mum took me to the hospital, i felt a tad better but still i was in so much pain. I txted Taylor to let him know what was happening but it was 12am so i figured he was asleep, i just sent him a txt for him to read in the morning. Sitting on the hospital bed thinking what the heck is taking so long with these nurses i think i was there for about 8 hours, a nurse came in earlier to take a few blood tests and said shell be back with my results, i didnt know what to think. I fell asleep when mum woke me up as a nurse was back with my results 4 hours later. The nurse asked my mum to take a walk and have something to eat in the lunch room. Nurse: Ok Norah, how are u feeling Me: Im really tired and sore Nurse: Alright are u ready for your results? Me: Yeah i guess so Nurse: Well good news is all your results have come back clear so you are definitely healty and also the headache is due to an ear infection which i will give you a prescription for antibiotics to take. Also congratulations your results also show that you are pregnant. Me: What? im pregnant? Nurse: Yes you are 100% pregnant, what ill do is ill get an ultrasound done so that we know how far along you are alright. Wait here ill be 2 ticks Me: (blank face) I wasnt sure whether to be happy or worried, all i know is that i was so over the moon to know that i had a baby growing inside of me and that explained why i had been so tired, then reality hit me. How the hell was i going to tell my parents, how is Taylor going to take the news knowing what he went through and him being 4 years younger then me, my parents are real traditional, they believe in marriage before kids, its either do it properly or give the family a bad name (this applied to all the girls on the family). I didnt know how to feel, but i suddenly felt sad i wanted to hold my tears in until i got home. The nurse wheels in an ultrasound machine. Nurse: Ok my dear i need you to lift up your shirt. She puts a blue gel looking cream just under my belly button. Oh gosh it felt so weird. Nurse then starts rolling the scanner over my belly, at first i couldnt look but the minute i heard the heart beat i couldnt contain myself i just had to look. i saw something flashing Me: whats that flashing Nurse: That my dear is your baby, and its the heart beat, i would say you are about 8 weeks. Ill get you in at 9am for a proper ultrasound to get proper measurements and find out your due date. OMG! im really pregnant and thats in me... I had to find a way of hiding this from mum. The nurse packs up her stuff and leaves my room, mum walks in Mum: ua? (so?) Me: Nothing, just going through a few test Mum: o lea le la masigi ga koso mai le fomai? (whats that machine the nurse had?) I hated lying to her but i had to. Me: o le masigi e fua iai lau koko (oh it was a machine to measure my blood pressure) The nurse walks back in with my discharge forms and my medication Nurse: make sure u take this 3 times a day and dont over stress yourself, i suggest you take 3 days off from work to recover and dont forget about your appointment in the morning at 9am. You are free to go As we were walking to the car mum asked Mum: O le a le ga appointment? (whats that appointment for?) I just wished she stop asking questions man i didnt wanna answer anymore so i had to keep lying to her which made me wanna cry so bad Me: Its nothing mum, e siaki iai ou (just to check my) lungs.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:00:25 +0000

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