Let go of who you think you should be and embrace who you - TopicsExpress


Let go of who you think you should be and embrace who you are Wearing this mask for so long became exhausting. You feel alone, and full of resentment. The fear of rejection steal happiness and brings depression. Never let this to rock bottom, you have an option and the only option would be put the mask down and let your authentic self be seen. Slowly transformation takes place. You start exploring who you are without judgment. Began by accepting yourself, even the parts that had made you ashamed of for so long. Opened up to the people closest to you, slowly showing them parts of your true self. It will be uncomfortable at first but then became liberating and finally will free yourself. You be surprise your family and friends embraced you. This will gave you the courage to open up even more. You will realize you are enough and you always have been. You just couldn’t see it. Your life will change in a way you never thought was possible. By embracing the real you and knowing that who you are is enough, this allows true joy and happiness to enter your life. You will start to feel the happiest you ever have been. Here is how you can embrace who you are. 1. Know You Are Enough There are always areas of our lives where we don’t feel like we’re enough. Not skinny, pretty, rich or smart enough. We wish we were more outgoing, had a better house, car or job. The truth is you don’t need to be or have anything more to feel worthy. You are worthy right now — no matter your weight, age, income, job, whatever your life circumstance may be. Let go of thinking that when you become skinnier, smarter, have a better job, etc., then you will be enough. You are enough right here, right now just the way you are. 2. Tame the Fear This is something I personally struggled with. The fear of being judged, criticized or rejected overwhelmed me and prevented me from letting my authentic self be seen. Opportunities would come up where I wanted to let myself be seen, such as expressing how I truly felt but the fear would take over me. What I want to say could spark judgment. This is when I would imagine the worst possible outcome, imagining the worst kind of rejection, like the people I loved the most never wanting to speak to me again. This never happened. I realized I was worrying and imagining things that would never even eventuate. Now when opportunities arise I know it never turns out as bad as I think and I don’t predict the reaction of others to be as horrible as I used to. We are really good at imagining the future to be much worse than it actually is. Remember that it never turns out as disastrous as you imagine it to be. It’s natural to feel scared, but don’t allow it to stop you being who you are. 3. Have a Mantra I find that when the fear comes up it helps to have a mantra. It calms you and stops the fear from taking over. I use mantras such as “I can do this,” “I am enough” or “Be you bravely.” It helps to keep you focused on what matters: being true to you. 4. Surround Yourself with People Who Love You Being surrounded by people who love and care about you will create the supportive environment needed to allow yourself to open up and let people get to know the real you. Not everyone is going to like the new you, that’s ok. Do not fear this. Don’t become someone you’re not so people will like you be yourself and the right people will love the real you. By being yourself you create more space for the right people to come into your life. You deserve to be surrounded by people who love, respect and appreciate you. To be yourself is a courageous act. It was difficult in the beginning but it got easier with time. The fear still comes up today whenever I’m faced with a situation where I must let myself be seen. Even though I feel the fear, I continue to stay true to who I am. I know the fear is only temporary. Staying true to you is what matters most. When you do, it’s the most rewarding feeling. Have the courage to push past that fear, and be you bravely. Know you are enough. Always. Remember you are beautiful just the way you are. Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive. Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 09:43:54 +0000

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