Lets look at the facts AGAINST the Yes Campaign... The Yes - TopicsExpress


Lets look at the facts AGAINST the Yes Campaign... The Yes campaign suggest that if Scotland were to become independent, they would be amongst some of the wealthiest nations on the planet. Whilst this plain statement is true, the reality isnt as flowery as they make it out to believe. If we go purely by GDP, Scotland would rank in around 30th place! Whilst as many Yes voters would be quick to point out that this is relatively good considering the 200ish countries in the planet, in reality its not actually that competitive! The Yes campaign, as confirmed by Salmond in the latest debate believe that Oil will be the salvation of Scotland. Im not going to say that Oil is or isnt a benefit to the Scottish people, but lets consider the cold hard facts! The billions that Salmond believes will be invested into Scotland from Oil is simply not true, as Darling pointed out, the Yes campaign havent highlighted the difference between Net profit, and what money actually goes to the government. The reason Saudi Arabia for example are so rich is because they have trillions of gallons of oil more than the North Sea, and over the 60, 70, 80 years that Oil has been drilled there, their society has learnt to adapt and change to surround the Oil boom that they have there... But there lies the problem, as soon as the FINITE source of oil runs out, Saudi Arabia will be as bankrupt as Zimbabwe, which is why OPEC countries are also amongst the world leaders in Alternative Energy investment! Scotland will not have 60, 70, 80 years to build their economy around oil. Which brings me onto another point about Oil, that it is only, and please please do look into this if you find the need, Im not going to add to this rant with links, but theyre readily available by a simple google search, but it is ONLY the Yes campaign and the SNP who believe that the value of oil, and the supply of oil will be sustainable past 2030! The Yes campaign are also adamant that they will be able to join straight into the EU, because Scotland is already a part, and our laws are the same, now... This really annoys me as my main University degree is surrounding EU studies and I know that half of this is simply not the case! For example, as many... many.. many scholars have suggested, as well as two former commissioners to the commission have suggested, that the break off region of the member state MUST apply for citizenship, yet there is only one professor in Aberdeen and Strathclyde who seem to see differently, of course, along with 7 Scottish business leaders and the Yes Campaign leaders who say they will not! Furthermore, lets say for example that the EU do acknowledge and fastrack Scotland into the EU, not only is HALF of the so far quickest join of the EU 4 years! But that effectively means that Scotland will have to sustain themselves and their economy for 4 years independently, whilst being outside of an incredibly high and manipulative EU tarrif! Additionally, lets even paint a Yes Campaign scenario in which Scotland is just allowed into the EU straight away, then it immediately means surrendering even more independence to the EU, than you currently do to Westminster! Ludicrous! The Yes Campaign are sure that they will use GDP once theyre out, in a currency Union... Not only have all the UK ministers who are not Scottish confirmed that they will not allow Scotland to join the pound in currency union... But lots of academics have confirmed that it would actually be more beneficial for the remaining UK to not share the pound with Scotland! This prompted Salmond in the last debate to say if we dont allow Scotland to have a currency union with us, then he will not pay back his debts... From a legal standpoint, this will mean that Scotland will have immediately default on their debts, and effectively means that no other country will get any assurances, that the Scotts will pay back any future money, and with the Eurozone crisis being almost at its resolution, you can bet that the Scottish will have a very hard time borrowing money! This leads me beautifully on to my next point, a number of Yes voters here (why are you up so early by the way) have also pointed out that if you stay in the UK youll lose the awesome benefits such as Free Uni, Free prescriptions etc etc... Whilst leaving the UK, would mean you can secure them! I beg you all here to find any economic sense that you have to question how an independent Scotland who will have High debt repayments due to defaulting, no central bank to control their currency, obligation payments to the EU, no matter what capacity theyre in it and with added pressure the apparent improvements they will make to the NHS, School system, University system... one can only wonder WHERE IS THE MONEY GOING TO COME FROM? Oil? Its already been worked out by top economists all over the planet, that Oil is not enough to maintain the current spend you have on services (that you also receive funding by the Westminster) so if you were to rely solely on Oil for your welfare services, I can assure you that this is just a big fat con!! But I welcome any of you to tell me where youre going to get the money from! And then lets get down to the very basics! Salmond has no plan on Trident, that was confirmed in the debate, except for his own ambitions... He has no planned for Armed forces separation, he has no plan for NHS split, he has no back up plans for currency, he has no back up plans if he doesnt get into the EU (because ultimately it will come down to members voting them in, and whilst the UK would of course vote Scotland in, Spain and Hungary probably wont) the SNP a few days ago came out with a ridiculous article quoting an unnamed source who is apparently a top adviser to the new EU commission Juncker, but the same EU commissioner has been quoted saying no more enlargement! And ultimately, it doesnt matter if he wants Scotland to join, because it is down to the individual member states! Now - Lets take some time to explore if you were to vote no... Scotland would indeed remain inside the UK, but, will have the power to negotiate more powers, it is already confirmed that the UK will hand over more tax raising powers, and more law powers, but imagine if Scotland could be the driving force towards a federal UK! It could be, and that would be fantastic, 4 states operating independently, using Westminster as a federal congress! That would clearly be in the best interest of everybody, Scotland would survive with more funding for themselves, the Welsh and Northern Irish would have more power, funding would be spread significantly better and more importantly, the English would finally get better representation in their own parliament, because wed have our own separate one to Westminster! Youd have no EU membership issues, youd retain the pound, and an input in the central bank, youd retain all of your services sector, and with the increased powers beable to distribute them as you wish! And finally, one thing really gets on my tit! You blame the labour party and ultimately Westminster for causing a crisis you had nothing to do with... But Scotland had the highest concentration of Labour support, the Exchequer at the time of Blaire was Brown (Scottish), and when Brown was PM, Darling was his Exchequer and he too was Scottish! So the 3 most important factors that led to the UK economic downturn... was caused by Scotland :) < - That was just a poke-the-bear comment :) So please... Please... Read all that Ive said, and obviously, there are going to be rebuttles, and despite working 7 days a week and all day, I will do my best to reply to them, but if you dont believe any of the stuff Ive said or think Im bias, let me just clarify that I in no way support either campaign, I believe Scotland should remain inside the UK not because of listening to a guy whos eyebrows dont match his hair! But because I study politics, Ive looked at the cold hard facts, which Ive outlined here! So please dont listen to Salmond, dont listen to Yes... Probably dont listen to No because they scaremonger just as bad! But get informed, look at the statistics independently to what each campaign says... and make an informed decision for yourself which will not only effect Scotland, it will effect the whole UK, it will effect your children, your parents, your brothers and sisters! Lets use this chance to benefit every British person and not just the English! Also - As for what somebody said about Scotland perhead being better off. this is just false and not true, in fact Scottish people would be around 2000 worse off per person (including children) so as I said, please look at independent statistics!! OMG MY HAND HURTS Thanks.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:19:29 +0000

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