Lets sanction Russia, while we ignore Al Qaeda?? WTF. The - TopicsExpress


Lets sanction Russia, while we ignore Al Qaeda?? WTF. The Obama administration has failed miserably, again, in the war against Al Qaeda. Back in March, Al Qaida had a gathering in Yemen to plan future activities, including attacks upon the US. We never heard about this until two days ago, when Al Qaeda released their own videos of the gathering in Yemen. At least a hundred gathered, including the present head of the organization in Yemen Nasir al-Wuhayshi, possibly shoe bomb expert Ibrahim al-Asiri, and other leaders. They met in an area frequently monitored and struck by drones. They had a successful meeting, and now our government is making a big show of investigation of the video. We have spent billions in Yemen on Intelligence, and ostensibly have the cooperation of the Yemini government. So this poses several concerns. With our superior intelligent services, we must have known of the meeting in advance, and as it happened. So why did we not blow them away with drones, and why are we hearing about it at this late date? One reason could be, and most probably is, that the intelligence services are grossly inept and poorly managed, and administered. That includes the local assets that we rely upon. I am sure that the Yemini government, and our sources knew the details of this meeting and were able to keep it secret from the formal services, but I doubt that secrecy would be that effective. A more probable reason is that our formal services knew, but agreed not to attack the meeting. Such agreement coming at the local level in Yemen, based on restrictions imposed by our executive offices. Whatever the truth is, it remains that the Obama administration is at fault. The ineptitude of our elected executives to once again fail to take an opportunity to prevent a terrorist group from furthering their conspiracy is disheartening. This meeting poses an avowed threat to the USA, but our administration did not act. Rather the time and resources are being spent in posturing about the Ukraine and other matters wherein we will not actually act, to draw public attention away from this current security fiasco and miserable failure. We need to get rid of the yahoos in Washington, in the administration, security and investigative groups, and military.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 16:05:37 +0000

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