Life Experiences as Learning Lessons There are easy and hard ways - TopicsExpress


Life Experiences as Learning Lessons There are easy and hard ways of learning the same lesson, and a missed life lesson repeats itself in alternate ways. Lessons become as painful and difficult as one’s skull is thick, so ignorance guarantees drastic experiences. Having conscious volition to see the truth as soon as possible speeds and smoothes the process, often eliminating the necessity for harsh experiences when the mind is receptive to subtler versions of a lesson. The general purpose of life lessons is to catalyze one’s growth of being, to increase soul strength. In our case, this often requires emotionally charged experiences because emotions provide a type of energy that temporarily boosts or retards what we are capable of doing depending on how they are used. Without this boost, we would be reluctant to transcend limits or explore new ground because our motivation would depend solely upon old ways of being and doing. The efficient use of emotions in a learning experience increases soul strength and expands knowledge, and thereafter nothing more than the newfound understanding is required as motivation when facing similar experiences in the future. On the other hand, emotions can retard progress if they limit what you feel you can do. Learn to separate emotions that limit you from ones that open you to new possibilities. The value of positive and negative emotions depends upon what you do with them. Positive emotional energy can be used directly to put knowledge into action with gusto.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 06:07:49 +0000

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