Life is hard for British kids. According to some reports, by next - TopicsExpress


Life is hard for British kids. According to some reports, by next year most of them will be growing up in poverty , waiting to inherit a future of shrinking possibilities. Why is it, then, that the youth of the 80s seem so determined to give them a kicking? A handful of PPE graduates lucky enough to spring from the fertile soil of well-to-do 80s Britain are currently vying with one another to run the country, each promising different ways to tighten the screws on Britain’s young people. The Tories are slashing £3,000 from the benefit cap and banning 18 to 21s who have been unemployed for more than six months from claiming jobseeker’s allowance or housing benefit. Labour will cut and means test out-of-work benefits for 18- to-21-year-olds.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 15:00:32 +0000

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